This is a simple helper to extract values from a string based on a pattern.
extractValues("/2012/08/12/test.html", "/{year}/{month}/{day}/{title}.html")
>> { "year": "2012", "month": "08", "day": "12", "title": "test" }
extractValues("John Doe <> (", "{name} <{email}> ({url})")
>> {"name": "John Doe", "email": "", "url": "" }
extractValues("from 4th October to 10th October", "from `from` to `to`", { whitespace: 1, delimiters: ["`", "`"] })
>> {"from": "4th October", "to": "10th October" }
extractValues("Convert 1500 Grams to Kilograms", "convert {quantity} {from_unit} to {to_unit}", { lowercase: true })
>> {"quantity": "1500", "from_unit": "grams", "to_unit": "kilograms" }]
npm install extract-values
- Then
in your project.
var extractValues = require("extract-values");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src='extract_values.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var parsedDate = extractValues("/2012/08/12/test.html", "/{year}/{month}/{day}/{title}.html")
//{ "year": "2012", "month": "08", "day": "12", "title": "test" }
Run node tests.js
$ node tests.js
14 tests pass
whitespace - normalizes the whitespace in the input string, so it can be aligned with the given pattern. You can define the number of continous whitespaces to contain in the string. Making it zero (0) will remove all whitespaces.
lowercase - converts the input string to lowercase before matching.
delimiters - If specify the delimiters used in the pattern to define the values. Default delimiters are {
and }