- I'm IT Infrastructure Engineer in Japan
- Working at Trading Systems | Low Latency
- 15+ years of experience in Linux, Windows, Networking, and Storage.
- 15+ years of experience in designing, building and maintaining a highly reliable infrastructure
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/takaaki-kurihara/
- Medium: https://takaaki-kurihara.medium.com/
- Twitter(English): https://twitter.com/takaaki_jpn
- Twitter(Japanese): https://twitter.com/taka_kurihara
- SimpleIPAM - Simple IP address management
- mydictionaryreader - MyDictionaryReader is a web system to search with dictionaries.
- Excel2DokuWiki - converter between Excel and DokuWiki formats
- webtextreader - Drag and drop the text file to display it in your browser
- dokuwiki-template-kurity - Kurity DokuWiki Template
- fasthandle2 - Deployment tool to Execute Remote Command Over SSH like Python Fabric
- fasthandle2-samples - Shell Scripts Samples for FastHandle2
- fasthandle - FastHandle is Python Fabric Framework.
- cmdref - Commnad Cheat Sheet/References/examples
- multicast-test-tools - UDP Multicast Test with Python
- ansible-examples
- fabric3-python3-examples - Fabric3 with Python3 Examples
- fabric2-python3-examples - Fabric2 Examples with Python3
- netmiko-examples
- cmdLauncher - Input search type launcher : https://software.oreda.net/cmdlauncher/
- cmdref.net : https://cmdref.net/ - cmdref.net is command references/cheat sheets/examples for system engineers.
- OREDA Software : https://software.oreda.net/
- 現場で必要なネットワーク技術入門 : https://network.oreda.net/
- システムパフォーマンス入門 : http://performance.oreda.net/
- クラウドのインフラ技術 : http://cloud.oreda.net/
- 社内インフラの技術 : https://oa.oreda.net/
- インフラエンジニアのPC環境 : https://pc.oreda.net/
- DokuWikiで情報発信 : https://dokuwiki.oreda.net/