A simple mod just make some blocks / items such as early game storage, item magnet and some janky item that I could think of to Minecraft.
- Minecraft: 1.21
- NeoForge: 21.0.59-beta or above
- Adorned (Curios): 1.21.0-9.0.1 or above (required for ability rings but optional to install)
- Rings Required Adorned (Curios)
- Ring of the Sky: Grant user flight ability.
- Ring of Fire: Grant user Fire resistance ability.
- Ring of Regeneration: Grant user Regeneration ability.
- Ring of Saturation: Grant user Saturation ability.
- Ring of Water: Grant user Water Breathing ability.
- Ring of True Sight: Grant user a power to see in the dark.
- This might change in the future to allow user to get ability without to equip item in curio inventory.
- Useful items
- Portable Crate: A handheld portable storage item which allow user to store more item when mining and can hold up to 88 stacks of item.
- Magnet: A useful item that can absorb any items/experiences in configurable radius to player.
- Charcoal/Coal Piece: Each piece can smelt 1 item which is useful in early game and want to save fuel.
- Dried Flesh: An alternative way to obtain leather by smelting Rotten Flesh.
- Roasted Apple: An easy food item to get just by smelting/smoking Apple. It's the same benefit as Baked Potato.
- Storage
- Wooden Crate: A useful storage block that is much bigger than vanilla double chest and can hold up to 88 stacks of item.
- Metal Crate: An upgrade of Wooden Crate and can hold up to 117 stacks of any item.
- Quarry
- Basic Quarry: Will use burnable item as fuel and mine resources from the void and put into inventory above.
- Advance Quarry: Work in progress
- More quarry will be implemented later.
- Misc
- Tick Accelerator: This block will accelerate tick speed of blocks that has block-tag #jankystuff:allow_acceleration in 3x2x3 radius.
Check out the Wiki Page for more detail information.
- I'm a familiar C# this is my first time coding in Java and never been worked with Git before.
- If you encountered any bugs or crash please report to the GitHub page above.
- I might not use to Git/GitHub features, but I will try my best.
- Mod is still in beta stage so Please back up your world before update or change mod version.
- I'm not a native English speaker that why some words or phase might be incorrect. If that the case please excuse me.
- Modding by Kaupenjoe
- TurtyWurty
- Cloudbrain_
- Thanks to them with the wonderful tutorial videos that I am able to learn and create this mod otherwise I have no clue how to start. Please check them out if you want to learn about Minecraft Modding.