This is a educational TestShop Project. I've created it during my studies at IUBH Distance Learning, based on the Course materials with my own favors. You should strongly ONLY use it for educational purposes, no warranty for anything!
- Linux Ubuntu (tested in VirtualBox VM)
- Package mysql-server (tested)
- Package mysql-client (tested)
- Eclipse IDE (tested)
- Tomcat created by Eclipse (tested)
- git client (tested)
sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jre -y
sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk -y
sudo apt-get install mysql-client mysql-server -y
sudo apt-get install git -y
sudo apt-get install eclipse -y
- Start Eclipse
- go to the servers Tab
- click on add new Server
- Do your options (chosing the install folder, downloading the Tomcat etc.)
- Afterwards you can use it inside Eclipse via the Servers Tab (maybe you have to select Java EE Views)
sudo apt-get install tomcat9 -y
- Now configure it with Eclipse (maybe with help by StackOverflow, DuckDuckGo or YouTube)
- Same as above (inside Eclipses Server Tab)
- since you've installed client & server above:
cd <path/to/project>
sudo mysql < shop.sql
- open the Terminal
- navigate via cd to the folder where you wish the files (e.g. /home//eclipse-workspace/)
- git clone /~
- start Eclipse and import the Project by clicking in the top Menubar "File" -> "Open Projects from FileSystem"
- Select the right Server for the Project (greenarrow + select the server + check the "always use this.. for this project" checkbox)
- Have fun <3
- Installing
- Goto: http://localhost:8080/TestFaces/faces/index.xhtml
- If you wish: Login as test:test or admin:admin (!)
- NOTE: don't use /TestFaces/ or /TestFaces/faces/ as entry, there's no index configured!
- Maybe you are lucky and you can fix it!
If you wish to modify the DB Credentials
- edit the Credentials inside /src/config/ Keep in mind if you've used the shop.sql your default Creds are "test" with no password, Port 3306 and Host as localhost
- Google`s GSON - not my work, see in the GSON file for the License
- BCrypt - not my work, license is in the file
- BootsFaces
- PrimeFaces 8.0 (
- others which are not my work - take a look at the file
for the Lic itself read the LICENSE file inside this repo, please!