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Ansible Toolset

PyPI version




You can install ansible-toolset from PIP like other python package.

$ pip install ansible-toolset

At the moment ansible-toolset supports following versions of Ansible:

  • 2.0
  • 2.1
  • 2.2
  • 2.3

There is no plan to support Ansible 1.x.


Create file containing your Ansible Vault password.

$ echo "my_secret_password" > ~/.ansible-vault-password

Prevent other users of your computer from being able to see your password.

$ chmod 0600 ~/.ansible-vault-password

Set environment variable so Ansible knows where to find password file.
You may want to add this line to your shell profile file.

$ export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=~/.ansible-vault-password



To create new vault you can use ansible-vault directly.
This command is provided for consistency and convenience.

$ ats-vault create path/to/some/secret/file.yml

Decrypt all existing vaults below current directory.

$ ats-vault open

Encrypt all previously decrypted vaults.

$ ats-vault close

Grep vaults (including closed ones) against some word:

$ ats-vault grep word

Grep vaults (including closed ones) against python regex:

$ ats-vault rgrep 'word\d+'

ats-vault stores previous encrypted content in SQLite database. When you close wallet without doing changes, original content is restored. It prevents git from seeing changes in files which is opposite to ansible-vault behavior which produces different result every time, even if secrets were not changed.