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The main application can be found inside yougit-js/



(If compiled versions don't work)

  1. Install Node.js v6.9.0 or less (cannot be higher version as nodegit is incompatible
  2. Clone the repository and cd to yougit/yougit-js/
  3. Run the command npm install to download the required dependencies
  4. Run the command npm rebuild-mac or npm rebuild for Windows (compiles packages, this may take some time)
  5. Finally, run the command npm run start to launch the application!

Optional: npm run test to run the unit tests

Java Instructions (deprecated)


  1. Download and Install IntelliJ Java IDE:
  2. Clone the repository with git clone /~
  3. Launch IntelliJ and open the downloaded project


Before starting work make sure you pull the latest version from Github. Navigate to the software-project/ folder in your command line and use the command git pull (If that doesn't work, try git pull origin master)

Pushing to the repository

  1. Implement/add your feature
  2. Write a unit test for your newly added code (If applicable)
  3. Navigate to the software-project/ folder and use the following commands
  4. git add . --> Adds all your changes
  5. git commit -m "Your commit message" --> Commit the changes with a message
  6. git push --> Push your commits to GitHub

Adding Libraries

  1. Open the project in IntelliJ IDE
  2. Right click on software-project (root folder) on the left sidebar
  3. Click 'Open Module Settings' > 'Modules' (Project Settings) > 'Dependencies'
  4. Click the green plus button > 'JARs or directories'
  5. Navigate to software-project/.idea/libraries and select all 6 .jar files
- hamcrest-core-1.3.jar
- jsch-0.1.54.jar
- junit-4.12.jar
- org.eclipse.jgit-
- slf4j-api-1.7.22.jar
- slf4j-simple-1.7.22.jar
  1. Once you've added all the jars, click Apply and then OK to close
  2. The libraries should be correctly imported now and the program should build succesfully


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