Web based Banking Decentralised Application (DApp) built on Ethereum blockchain which focuses on preventing fraudulent attacks. The most shocking turn of events recently was the discovery of the fraudulent activities taking place in the Punjab National Bank. It was the result of numerous systemic failures to detect simple human malfeasance. These failures could have been easily spotted and prevented with a fraud mitigation blockchain platform.
This project is a web based Banking Decentralised Application (DApp) built on Ethereum blockchain which focuses on preventing such fraudulent attacks on sanctioning of Loans and Tenders by decentralising the processes. The security aspects concerning the user identity authentication, bank official authentication and multi level verification of details are implemented by incorporating the notion of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). The Smart contracts are deployed in the backend, which runs on ethereum simulator Ganache and Ropsten testnet. The front end is developed using Javascript and HTML. The integration of components is done using ethereum wallet Metamask.
- Solidity - Smart contract written using Solidity
- Ganache-CLI - Ethereum Simulator Ganache-CLI
- Metamask - Chrome extension
- Web3 - Web3 JS