• This tool is for educational purposes only.
• The developers and collaborators are not responsible for any illegal usage of this tool.
LFITester is a Python3 tool which tests if a server is vulnerable to Local File Inclusion (LFI) attacks.
It runs in Linux/Unix systems but it can run on windows as well. In order to use this program:
• You have to have Python3 installed in your system or you can download it from https://www.python.org/downloads/
• You will also need pip which if you don't have just run sudo apt install python3-pip
for linux.
• Download the program or clone the repository in your system git clone /~https://github.com/kostas-pa/LFITester.git
• Go to the LFITester folder
• First run the command sudo chmod +x setup.sh
• Then run sudo ./setup.sh
which will automatically install the required packages
• After that you can simply run lfitester as a command.
• It is recommended to run the --update flag before initiating an attack
- Path Traversal and bypasses (Null byte, encoding, Filter Bypasses)
- PHP Filter
- Remote Code Execution (RCE) through:
- Log Poisoning (Apache, Nginx)
- PHP Session Files
- PHP Wrappers
$python3 LFITester.py
└──╼ $./LFITester.py
_ ______ _____ _______ _
| | | ____|_ _|__ __| | |
| | | |__ | | | | ___ ___| |_ ___ _ __
| | | __| | | | |/ _ \/ __| __/ _ \ '__|
| |____| | _| |_ | | __/\__ \ || __/ |
|______|_| |_____| |_|\___||___/\__\___|_|
Automated LFI Testing
usage: LFITester.py [-h] [-u URL] [-L URL_File] [-c] [-v] [-o [OUTFILE]] [--creds [user:pass]] [-p] [--autopwn IP]
[-m Payload] [-f] [--update] [--batch-ans BATCH] [-s] [--poc-file POC] [-H HEADERS] [-C COOKIES]
Payload Modes:
0: Simple bash TCP
1: Alternative bash TCP
2: Simple sh UDP
3: Alternative sh TCP
4: Perl TCP
5: Alternative Perl TCP
6: Python TCP
7: Alternative python TCP
8: Alternative 2 python TCP
9: Alternative 3 python TCP
10: Alternative (No Spaces) python TCP
11: Alternative (No Spaces) 2 python TCP
12: Alternative (No Spaces) 3 python TCP
13: Alternative (No Spaces) Shortened python TCP
14: Alternative (No Spaces) Shortened 2 python TCP
15: Alternative (No Spaces) Shortened 3 python TCP
16: Alternative (No Spaces) Shortened Further python TCP
17: Alternative (No Spaces) Shortened Further 2 python TCP
18: Alternative (No Spaces) Shortened Further 3 python TCP
19: Python3 TCP
20: Alternative python3 TCP
21: Alternative 2 python3 TCP
22: Alternative 3 python3 TCP
23: Alternative (No Spaces) python3 TCP
24: Alternative (No Spaces) 2 python3 TCP
25: Alternative (No Spaces) 3 python3 TCP
26: Alternative (No Spaces) Shortened python3 TCP
27: Alternative (No Spaces) Shortened 2 python3 TCP
28: Alternative (No Spaces) Shortened 3 python3 TCP
29: Alternative (No Spaces) Shortened Further python3 TCP
30: Alternative (No Spaces) Shortened Further 2 python3 TCP
31: Alternative (No Spaces) Shortened Further 3 python3 TCP
32: Php exec
33: Php shell_exec
34: Php over sh
35: Php system
36: Php passthru
37: Php popen
38: Php proc_open
39: Ruby
40: Ruby Alternative
41: Go
42: Netcat sh
43: Netcat bash
44: Netcat alternative bash
45: Netcat openBSD
46: Ncat
47: Ncat UDP
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL The url to test. The URL usually is http://[URL]?[something]=
-L URL_File, --list-url URL_File
Input a list of URLs from an external file. The URLs format usually is http://[URL]?[something]=
-c, --crawl use the crawler to test all the endpoints
-v, --verbose Increase output verbosity
-o [OUTFILE], --output [OUTFILE]
The file to save the results
--creds [user:pass] The credentials to login
-p, --enable-proxies Enable proxy redirection. Default proxies are free and you can change them. If you don't want the
default proxies you can supply your own and this option will be overridden! Note that the proxies
will be picked at random for each request
--autopwn IP If the webapp is vulnerable to LFI then it will attempt to exploit it and give back a shell. This
option requires your IP in order to connect with the revshell
-m Payload, --mode Payload
Select the payload that suits best. Try different ones if the exploit doesn't work.
-f, --force Treat endpoint as alive even if it returns 404
--update Update LFITester
--batch-ans BATCH Answer all yes/no
-s, --stealth Enable stealth mode
--poc-file POC Your custom poc file.
Add extra headers
Add extra cookies
-r PACKET_FILE, --packet-file PACKET_FILE
Import headers/cookies/body from a packet file (HTTP or Burp format)
Proxies in the list must be in the following format: protocol://{proxyip}
username:password (newline). If you dont have a authenticated
proxy then skip the username:password entry and go for a new line
LFITester.py -u "http://URL?smt=" = test one specific endpoint
LFITester.py -L test.txt = test a list of endpoints from file
LFITester.py -c -u "http://URL" = crawl and test all endpoints of that URL
LFITester.py -c -L test.txt = crawl and test all endpoints for every URL in the file
LFITester.py --creds abc:abc -u "http://URL?smt=" = test one specific endpoint which requires a login
Developers: Konstantinos Papanagnou (/~https://github.com/Konstantinos-Papanagnou)
Konstantinos Pantazis (/~https://github.com/kostas-pa)
Timothy Stowe (/~https://github.com/timothy90990)
• Basic Usage: python3 LFITester.py -u "http://myvulnerabledomain/vulnerable/application?test_param="
- Automatically opens a reverse shell if it finds RCE (see all the reverse shells in the description).
- Added threads to the attacks and to the proxies which speeds things up significantly!
• If you are having issues with a URL that has 2 query parameters like http://url?param1=1¶m2=2, try to run it with "" like so "http://url?param1=1¶m2=2"
• If you are user and you get an error about Git, then try to run lfitester with the sudo command like so sudo lfitester [flags]
• If you are having issues with a library, try running the --update flag and then sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
as the requirements may have changed
• If you can't see the color in the output file but instead you see color codes, google [your text editor] display ANSI color codes
• If the setup.sh can't install a python package, try installing it manually with the command sudo pip3 install [package]
• If it gets stuck just press enter, for now :)
• If you get strange encoding results, try to remove any value from the parameters, including Burp files.
• If you like this project please consider giving it a star
• To all the contributors for assisting me with this project and for the knowledge they provided.