Fork of regeorg to include support for python2 and python3 and to have proper socks4 and socks5 support. Since original regeorg is not actively maintained, this fork is born.
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... every office needs a tool like Georg
You can install it via pip:
pip install regeorg
Place tunnel script from tunnels subdirectory somewhere on the webserver and issue following command locally: -p 1080 -u
Now, you can browse and pivot using socks4/socks5, for example:
curl -x socks5://
reGeorg works with both Python 2.7 and Python 3.x and the following modules:
- [urllib3] - HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more.
usage: [-h] [-c] [-l] [-p] [-r] [-s] -u [-v]
Socks server for reGeorg HTTP(s) tunneller
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c , --creds Credentials for basic authentication as user:pass
-l , --listen-on The default listening socks address
-p , --listen-port The default listening socks port
-r , --read-buff Local read buffer, max data to be sent per POST
-s , --ssl check TLS/SSL certificate
-u , --url The url containing the tunnel script
-v , --verbose Verbose output[INFO|DEBUG]
Step 1. Upload tunnel.(aspx|ashx|jsp|php) to a webserver (How you do that is up to you)
Step 2. Configure you tools to use a socks proxy, use the ip address and port you specified when you started the
** Note, if you tools, such as NMap doesn't support socks proxies, use [proxychains] (see wiki)
- Step 3. Hack the planet :)
$ python -p 8080 -u
List of tunnels / agent compatible with this release
ReGeorGo - regeorg in Go: /~
original regeorg tunnels : /~
References to original tool, similar tools and forks
original regeorg: /~
Refactored regeorg (not compatible with this): /~
pivotnacci - tool inspired by the reGeorg: /~
This fork is maintained by @k0st.
Original by: