Laravel PHP Framework with Adminator as admin dash
All you need is to run these commands:
git clone /~
cd laradminator
composer install # Install backend dependencies
sudo chmod 777 storage/ -R # Chmod Storage
php artisan storage:link # Enable link to storage
cp .env.example .env # Update database credentials configuration
php artisan key:generate # Generate new keys for Laravel
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed # Run migration and seed users and categories for testing
yarn install # or npm i to Install node dependencies(>= node 9.x)
npm run production # To compile assets for prod
Online demo: Can be found at
Local demo:
php artisan serve # Check installation (optional)
Open browser at localhost:8000/admin
Note: Username: Password: 123456
All the data are reset each 30mn ;) please d'ont forget to remove this function in your app
- Laravel Framework (9.x)
- Forms & HTML : for forms
- Laravel Debugbar : for debugging
- Intervention Image : image handling and manipulation
- All ADMINATOR plugins here
- sweetalert2
- Axios
- Select2
- Using Laravel Mix, all CSS and JS are in minified to one file each.
- Laradminator leverages browser caching, using
file from html5-boilerplate - GZip compression is activated by default(APP_DEBUG=false => only onfile for js, and one file for css).
: 107 KB with gzip (943 Kb without)app.js
: 427 KB with gzip (1.4 Mb without)
Note: If you're using Nginx check: server-configs-nginx
Uncomment this line and you have the RTL version
The current architecture of assets are inspired from adminator, so all assets(css and js) are located in resources. if you want to add new component, like select2 juste create file like resources/js/select2/index.js
, and don't forget to load it in bootstrap.js
If you want to update the CSS, you can put them directly in resources/sass/app.scss
or create new file under resources/sass
and import it in resources/sass/app.scss
VERY IMPORTANT: Any change you make on resources you have to run :
npm run dev
ornpm run prod
If you have a lot of changes it's much better to run:
npm run watch
to watch any changes on your files, take a look on browersync
Creating CRUD in your application is the job you do most. Let's create Post CRUD:
Add new migration and model :
php artisan make:model Post -m
Open migration file and add your columns
Create PostsController :
php artisan make:controller PostController
. fill your resource (you can use UserController with some changes) or, if you are a lazy developer like me, use a snippet and make only 2 changes -
folder toposts
, make changes inindex.php
To move images im using a helper function based on intervention/image and variables.php
you can check full example in User.php
Not hesitate, open new issue ;)
Laradminator is licensed under The MIT License (MIT). Which means that you can use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the final products.