/~https://github.com/evilkost/brukva - go there if you want working brukva. In this repository brukva is very outdated and broken.
Asynchronous Redis client that works within Tornado IO loop.
>>> import brukva
>>> c = brukva.Client()
>>> c.connect()
>>> def on_result(result):
(error, data) = result
print data or error
>>> c.set('foo', 'bar', on_result)
>>> c.get('foo', on_result)
>>> c.hgetall('foo', on_result)
>>> c.connection._stream.io_loop.start() # start tornado mainloop
ResponseError (on HGETALL [('foo',), {}]): Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
Run tests with the following command:
nosetests -s -w tests --nologcapture
brukva is developed and maintained by Konstantin Merenkov
See LICENSE file. Long story short: WTFPL v2