ConfigFile used to open project
DataFile used to record labels
CacheFile used to resume or save the tmp results
install vtk-8 first compile vtk from source and then make install to /usr/local/include/vtk
compile project
cd ${DIR}
mkdir build
cmake ..
make -j8
# run it
- "Tab", switch among 3d bbox
- "q", quit, note that it will save data before quit
- "h", horizontal view in pointcloud
- "v", bird eye view
- "c", clear current selection
- "i", display all annotation(2d box and 3d box)
- "r", switch between view mode and edit mode
- "Control", intersection select pointcloud, multiple view select and then intersection them
- "No Control", select from total points and add it
- "Left" and "Right", rotate highlight box(selected box) clockwise or unclockwise
- "Up" and "Down", go to the next frame
- "n", rotate arrow 90 degree, to determine which face is the front face
- rawdata path
- storage path
- root_dir
- image_2
- velodyne
- calib
- anno_2
- all annotation data will saved into anno_2 using txt format, all filenames of annotation is according to the filenames of data.(the prefix name is the same)
Welcome to develop it and make it more robust
- add GUI using QT
- add configuration file system using protobuf
- add plugin system