Kiwix & openZIM software development processes monitoring
We use Grimoirelab to visualise several metrics on Kiwix developement evolution. Data are collected from our Kiwix and openZIM repositories, also called "projects" in Grimoirelab.
Grimoirelab uses Elasticsearch and Kibana to store data and visualise these on web dashboards. To populate effectively this database from several sources (Git, Github, Gitlab, Mediawiki, RSS, Jenkins, Slack ...), Grimoirelab has developed modules to create a toolchain to optimally update data collection. In addition to Elasticsearch, we use an SQL database (MariaDB) to store identities collected from GitHub. All of this is orchestrated with the Grimoire-Sirmordered daemon. We can also use micro-mordered as command line interface to manually update data.
We propose a docker instance based on a docker image provided by Grimoirelab and including Elasticksearch, MariaDB and Kibana (Dockerfile-full).
docker run -p -p -e GITHUB_TOKEN=<your token> -e PROJECT_NAME='Kiwix development metrics' -v $(pwd)/logs:/logs -v $(pwd)/es-data:/var/lib/elasticsearch -t kiwix/metrics
To configure the analisys by sirmordered, four files are used :
- infra.cfg
- dashboard.cfg
- project.cfg
- override.cfg
The configuration result is a concatenation of this files.
See /~ for the syntax.
The list of repositories to analyze. The first level is the project. The second is the enriched module (git, github, cocom ...), et then the last is the list of repositories to analyze for this module. We must add repositories for each module.
Lists of known organizations.
Add informations for authors, like email or link to github account
aliases for enrich modules
Configure the menu for Kibiter
The dashboard show in first. To change this dashboard, fisrt turn off read-only mode :
curl -X PUT "http://localhost:9200/.kibana/_settings" -H'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "index.blocks.read_only" : false }'
Change the dashboard with user interface Don't forget to save.
Turn on read-only mode :
curl -X PUT "http://localhost:9200/.kibana/_settings" -H'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "index.blocks.read_only" : true }'
Generate dashboard_overview.json
with Kidash :
kidash --export dashboard_overview.json --dashboard Overview
Finaly, replace config/dashboard_overview.json
by the new exported file.
- Initialization time : ~ 9 hours (cocom)
- Incremental update time : ~ 2 minutes (cocom)
- Elastic Search database size : ~ 8 Go
grows indefinitely without a clear setting to control it. You may want to use TRUNCATE_LOGS=y
environment variable to enable an hourly reset of all log files.