484 commits
to main
since this release
- Implement „Find in page" (@BPerlakiH #849 #872)
- Support range requests for video content (@BPerlakiH @rgaudin #894)
- Integrate Codecov to the CI (@BPerlakiH #907)
- Download error feedback (@BPerlakiH #912)
- Remove bookmark image and snippets (@BPerlakiH #830)
- Change search snippets settings to be a toggle (@BPerlakiH #873)
- Resolve Swift Package Dependencies Automatically on checkout (@BPerlakiH #864)
- Remove BackPorts dependency (@BPerlakiH #867)
- Search in descriptions of ZIM files as well (@BPerlakiH #904 #910)
- Auto update of library, remove iOS background processing (@BPerlakiH #926)
- After resuming iOS app video displayed black (@BPerlakiH #801 #846)
- ZIM metadata „illustration“ is not read properly (@BPerlakiH #811)
- Export of a PDF fails iOS (@BPerlakiH #820 #840)
- Content default positioning is not always correct (@BPerlakiH #841)
- Nightly CD build (@BPerlakiH #845)
- Double-clicking on a ZIM in mac finder opens a new Kiwix window (@BPerlakiH #860)
- Crash Library Parsing (@BPerlakiH #868)
- Crash by removing html parsed snippets (@BPerlakiH #865)
- Search crash and improve efficiency (@BPerlakiH #862)
- Pop over crash by removing modal style (@BPerlakiH #876)
- Multiple language ZIM files to show up (@BPerlakiH #870)
- UTF-8 checking before parsing library data (@BPerlakiH #884)
- DB Crash with Single background contex (@BPerlakiH #879)
- Fix DB leading to mac UI crash on listing downloads (@BPerlakiH #882)
- iOS Accessibility of icons when large text is set (@BPerlakiH #886)
- mac video fullscreen sizing when paused (@BPerlakiH #893)
- mac video sound kept playing after tab is closed (@BPerlakiH #891)
- WebKitHandler concurrency fix (@BPerlakiH #896)
- mac window closing should stop video (@BPerlakiH #899)
- Library language count for multi-language ZIM files (@HiroyasuNishiyama @BPerlakiH #906)
- mac Video playing right click problems (@BPerlakiH #918)
- video starting with a black screen on iOS 17 iPhone (@BPerlakiH #924)
- iPhone backgrounding makes the inline video black (@BPerlakiH #937)
- On fresh install opening a ZIM file directly after download crashes the app on iPad (@BPerlakiH #921)
- iOS double sheet for Library (@BPerlakiH 925)
- Translation issues with help buttons (@HiroyasuNishiyama @BPerlakiH #929 #930)
- iOS Add space in article count label (@BPerlakiH #932)
- Blank search results (@BPerlakiH #943)