- This project uses YandexPracticum's React template (frontend) & serves for your favourite cats to be added & boasted of online;
- The motivation behind is better learn this backend dev stack & include it in my portfolio;
- Once modified locally & pushed to its GitHub repo, this project moves on along the yaml-based orchestration lines to rebuild the docker images accordingly & auto-redeploy the project to the live server; the associated Telegram bot will notify me about the deployment;
- If you're passionate about sharing your feline pet's pix online & seeing same from other cat people, please head for the website, sign up & on.
Tools & stack: #Python #Yaml #API #Docker #Nginx #PostgreSQL #Gunicorn #Djoser #JWT #TelegramBot #CI-CD #SublimeText #Flake8 #Ruff #Black #Mypy #DjDT
- Register with a username & a password, use them to log in right away
- Upload your pet's pic under 3 Mb in size & see them there
- Spread the word
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- Fork from YandexPracticum's repo here
- If interested, here are their courses
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MIT https://choosealicense.com/. Back to TOC
Add a pic & some details on your pet & make it stand out; edit or delete if needed. Once logged in, you'll see all the registered users' cat pix on the main page. Back to TOC
Don't hesitate to contact in case you'd like to contribute. We'd both be better off reading the Contributor Covenant which is a standard to start with. Back to TOC
Kirill Koovshinov (Django backend), YandexPracticum (React frontend)