In memory caches for R. Currently implements LRU cache with size parameter.
Create a cache...
cache <- LRUcache("150mb") # cache with 150mb of size
cache2 <- LRUcache("1GB") # cache with 1GB of size
cache3 <- LRUcache(3) # cache that can hold three items of any size (that fits in RAM)
Then use it...
cache3$set("key", "this is your value") # set a value at a particular key...
cache3$get("key") # ...and get that value back!
[1] "this is your value"
cache3$peek("key") # doesn't alter the key's timestamp
[1] "this is your value"
cache3$exists("key") # ...see if your key exists
[1] TRUE
cache3$set("key2", "hi") # but if you go over your size...
cache3$set("key3", "hello")
cache3$set("key4", "yo")
cache3$exists("key") # ...the oldest key will automatically go away.
[1] FALSE # oldness is determined on when the key was most
# recently accessed, not when it was set.
[1] TRUE
cache3$forget("key4") # you can also explicitly forget a certain key.
Install with devtools.