This repository contains the MPU6050 package dedicated for ROS2. It contains the driver and node to allow integration with sensor_msgs/msg/Imu Message
This package has been tested with the following hardwares: \
Raspberry Pi 4B, 4GB RAM.
MPU6050 sensor breakout board used:
The Raspberry Pi 4B runs this image: /~
To run this example without issues, the following environment setup are preferred.
Operating System | ros-realtime-rpi4-image |
ROS2 Version | ROS2 Humble |
**Just clone this repository on your ros2 workspace/src.
The following steps provides detailed info to calibrate the sensor if necessary:
- Build the package
colcon build --packages-select ros2_mpu6050
- RPi to MPU6050 I2C wiring
- Place the sensor in a surface perpendicular to the direction of the gravitational acceleration. (**This is important)
- Run the following command
ros2 run ros2_mpu6050 ros2_mpu6050_calibrate
- The values of the offsets should be displayed
I2c communication started. .
MPU6050 initialization successful
**** Starting calibration ****
Ensure that the mpu6050 board is positioned in a surface perpendicular to the direction gravitational accelleration
This may take a while depending upon the no of samples, please wait. . .
In the params.yaml file under config directory, copy the following results accordingly
Gyroscope Offsets:
gyro_x_offset --> -1.44153
gyro_y_offset --> 0.596412
gyro_z_offset --> 0.618626
Accelerometer Offsets:
accel_x_offset --> 10.601
accel_y_offset --> -0.424632
accel_z_offset --> -3.21498
- Copy these values in the params.yaml file under config directory of the package replacing the 0 values
# [deg/s]
gyro_x_offset: 0.0
gyro_y_offset: 0.0
gyro_z_offset: 0.0
# [m/s²]
accel_x_offset: 0.0
accel_y_offset: 0.0
accel_z_offset: 0.0
Build the package
colcon build --packages-select ros2_mpu6050
and execute the following command.
ros2 launch ros2_mpu6050
Build specific package
colcon build --packages-select `name_of_package`
After launching,
In the host PC or in the RPi SSH client terminal, does not matter, execute the following command
ros2 topic echo /imu/mpu6050
If the above command does not work, ensure that the /imu/mpu6050 topic shows when running the following command
ros2 topic list