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A ros package that tracks a selected target person using YOLOv3 and DeepSORT


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A ros package that tracks a selected target person using YOLOv3 and DeepSORT

video video

Published Topics and Provided Services

Published topics

Topic Name Message Type Purpose
/person_tracking/bbox_center geometry_msgs.Point Publishes the centerpoint of the target bounding box when a person is selected as target
/person_tracking/target_angle std_msgs.Float32 Publishes the angle of the target bounding box when a person is selected as target. Uses the person_tracker/camera_fov param declared in person_tracker.launch to compute angle.
/person_tracking/target_present std_msgs.Bool Publishes True if selected target person is present in the camera view. Publishes False if person is not present.
/person_tracking/target_indice std_msgs.Int32 Publishes the indice of the selected target person. If no person is selected, publishes 0.
/person_tracking/detection_indices std_msgs.Int32MultiArray Publishes an array of all detection indices when no person is selected as target. Publishes target indice if target is selected.
/person_tracking/deepsort_image/compressed sensor_msgs.CompressedImage Publishes a compressed image of drawn bounding box of detections and track processed by tracker


Service Name Input Type and Name Output Type and Name Purpose
/person_tracking/clear_target std_msgs.Bool clear std_msgs.Bool success Untracks selected target. Returns true if succeeded. Returns false if no error encountered or no track started
/person_tracking/choose_target std_msgs.Int32 target std_msgs.Bool success Choose indice for tracking. Returns true if indice present in camera and track started. Returns false if no detection available with given indices or track already started



Python modules

  • Python=3.6
  • CUDA 10
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • opencv-python
  • sklearn
  • torch >= 0.4
  • torchvision >= 0.1
  • pillow
  • vizer
  • edict
  • pyyaml
  • easydict



Setup ROS Melodic and your catkin_ws if you have not done so.

Install the required python 3 modules using pip3 or a virtualenv. Do not use Anaconda. Git clone this repository into src of your catkin_ws. Follow

cd catkin_ws/src
git clone /~
cd person_tracking_ros

Download the YOLOv3 weights

cd src/weights

Download the reidentification weights into the folder from this google drive.

Compile the nms module

cd ..
cd detector/YOLOv3/nms
cd ../../../..

After installing your python modules, source the python intepreter.

cd bin

Open the file with your preferred text editor

If you're using virtualenv, change the first line in the code accordingly:


If you directly installed to your python3:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Once all that is done, make the package.

cd ../../..

Configuring launch file

Open the launch file in person_tracking_ros/launch/person_tracker.launch

In this line:

  <node name="person_tracker" pkg="person_tracking" type="" args="--img_topic /camera/image_raw/compressed" /> 

Change /camera/image_raw/compressed to your custom image topic. Only compressed image is supported.



Start your roscore


Start your camera stream node. Here, I'm using video_stream_opencv.

roslaunch video_stream_opencv camera.launch

Ensure that your image topic is correctly set to your preferred tracker. Now source your workspace and run the tracker.

source /devel/setup.bash
roslaunch person_tracking person_tracker.launch

Tracker should now be running.

Viewing tracker image output

The tracker publishes the image output in compressed form to the topic:


To select view the tracker output, use rqt_image_view


And choose the stated topic above to view the image.

Choosing tracking target

The tracker uses a service to choose a target to track:


To choose a target, run the following commands.

rosservice call /person_tracking/choose_target [ENTER DETECTION INDICE HERE]

Service will return True if track is sucessfully started.

Clearing tracked target

The tracker uses a service to clear the track


To clear a target, run the following command.

rosservice call /person_tracking/clear_target true

Service will return True if track is successfully cleared.