A ros package that tracks a selected target person using YOLOv3 and DeepSORT
Topic Name | Message Type | Purpose |
/person_tracking/bbox_center | geometry_msgs.Point | Publishes the centerpoint of the target bounding box when a person is selected as target |
/person_tracking/target_angle | std_msgs.Float32 | Publishes the angle of the target bounding box when a person is selected as target. Uses the person_tracker/camera_fov param declared in person_tracker.launch to compute angle. |
/person_tracking/target_present | std_msgs.Bool | Publishes True if selected target person is present in the camera view. Publishes False if person is not present. |
/person_tracking/target_indice | std_msgs.Int32 | Publishes the indice of the selected target person. If no person is selected, publishes 0. |
/person_tracking/detection_indices | std_msgs.Int32MultiArray | Publishes an array of all detection indices when no person is selected as target. Publishes target indice if target is selected. |
/person_tracking/deepsort_image/compressed | sensor_msgs.CompressedImage | Publishes a compressed image of drawn bounding box of detections and track processed by tracker |
Service Name | Input Type and Name | Output Type and Name | Purpose |
/person_tracking/clear_target | std_msgs.Bool clear | std_msgs.Bool success | Untracks selected target. Returns true if succeeded. Returns false if no error encountered or no track started |
/person_tracking/choose_target | std_msgs.Int32 target | std_msgs.Bool success | Choose indice for tracking. Returns true if indice present in camera and track started. Returns false if no detection available with given indices or track already started |
- Python=3.6
- CUDA 10
- numpy
- scipy
- opencv-python
- sklearn
- torch >= 0.4
- torchvision >= 0.1
- pillow
- vizer
- edict
- pyyaml
- easydict
- ROS Melodic
- Any ROS Package for accessing webcam. I use video_stream_opencv.
Setup ROS Melodic and your catkin_ws if you have not done so.
Install the required python 3 modules using pip3 or a virtualenv. Do not use Anaconda. Git clone this repository into src of your catkin_ws. Follow
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone /~https://github.com/khayliang/person_tracking_ros.git
cd person_tracking_ros
Download the YOLOv3 weights
cd src/weights
wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3.weights
Download the reidentification weights into the folder from this google drive.
Compile the nms module
cd ..
cd detector/YOLOv3/nms
sh build.sh
cd ../../../..
After installing your python modules, source the python intepreter.
cd bin
Open the file person_tracker.py with your preferred text editor
If you're using virtualenv, change the first line in the code accordingly:
If you directly installed to your python3:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Once all that is done, make the package.
cd ../../..
Open the launch file in person_tracking_ros/launch/person_tracker.launch
In this line:
<node name="person_tracker" pkg="person_tracking" type="person_tracker.py" args="--img_topic /camera/image_raw/compressed" />
Change /camera/image_raw/compressed
to your custom image topic. Only compressed image is supported.
Start your roscore
Start your camera stream node. Here, I'm using video_stream_opencv.
roslaunch video_stream_opencv camera.launch
Ensure that your image topic is correctly set to your preferred tracker. Now source your workspace and run the tracker.
source /devel/setup.bash
roslaunch person_tracking person_tracker.launch
Tracker should now be running.
The tracker publishes the image output in compressed form to the topic:
To select view the tracker output, use rqt_image_view
And choose the stated topic above to view the image.
The tracker uses a service to choose a target to track:
To choose a target, run the following commands.
rosservice call /person_tracking/choose_target [ENTER DETECTION INDICE HERE]
Service will return True if track is sucessfully started.
The tracker uses a service to clear the track
To clear a target, run the following command.
rosservice call /person_tracking/clear_target true
Service will return True if track is successfully cleared.