universal rescue / installation system for ARM SBCs
We try to make one simple alternative way for solve common ARM-SBCs users problems!
VIM1 VIM2 VIM3 VIM3L / Edge ( amlogic / rockchips )
- /~https://github.com/khadas/khadas-rescue-sdk - krescue sdk
- /~https://github.com/khadas/khadas-rescue-rootfs - krescue root fs
- /~https://github.com/khadas/khadas-openwrt-feed-extra - extra packages feed
- /~https://github.com/khadas/khadas-openwrt-sdk - building system for extra packages
- /~https://github.com/khadas/khadas-linux-kernel - linux kernel
- /~https://github.com/khadas/khadas-uboot - uboot
- khadas openwrt sdk
- khadas openwrt feed extra
- khadas u-boot
- khadas linux kernel
- khadas rescue sdk
- khadas rescue rootfs
- install any os to internal emmc directly from net
- can fully located in SPI flash, same as in eMMC or SD card
- mainline linux kernel
- all in ram
- very fast just a 10 sec full boot time
- flash disks frendly
- extreme small about ~ 16M
- can started from SD / USB / eMMC / network PXE / kexec
- open source
- net eth (dhcp client) + wifi (ap + sta)
- usb gadget modes: usb_net + usb_storage
- kexec for advanced post boot other os
- advanced uboot
- rescue mode for repare install reinstall etc...
- fully customizations and automations
- advanced smart boot sequences
- hot keys
- read more ...
- we have always bootable system in anycase
- its unkillable rescue system
- we no need to use special software for updates upgrades rescue system etc.
- we can install and setup any os to any storages
- muli bootable os
- andvanced rescue system with resize move fsck and many other tools
- we have access to device via usb_net, wifi_ap, wifi_sta, eth_dhcp, usb_storage, ssh, http ...
- no need any thing , we can use only usb-C cable or jsut wifi connection, no need uart, ethernet, flash, sd