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Minecraft Server Scanner

Uses masscan to search for Minecraft servers. Used for my Minecraft Server Scanner Discord Bot


Note: You do not need to run this yourself. It's already being hosted, and the ips file is updated automatically

  • Install masscan from /~
  • Update config.json with your github username and email, and set the packet rate limit (per second). 100000 is recommended.
  • Run index.js (the other js files are just for debugging functions, you can ignore them)

The ips will be saved in the ips file. Each 6 bytes represents a server, the first 4 being the ip, and the other 2 representing the port (1st byte * 256 + 2nd byte).

How It Works

For each scan, first a typical masscan is run, finidng open tcp connections. Once a connection is found, it's pinged with Minecraft protocol to check if it's a Minecraft server. This is run in the following steps:

  1. A full scan on port 25565
  2. For every ip found in step 1, a scan is run on that ip's /24 subnet on ports 25500-25700 (enabled by the scan24s setting in config.json)
  3. For every ip found in steps 1 and 2, a scan is run on every port (enabled by the scanAllPorts setting in config.json)


gitPush: Whether or not to push the final result to the git repo gitUser: Your git username (only used if gitPush is true) gitEmail": Your git username (only used if gitPush is true) packetLimit: How many packets per second masscan will send (100000 recommended) sudo: Whether or not to run the masscan as sudo (required for masscan to run, only disable if commands are sudo by default) repeat: Whether or not to automatically run another scan once the scan finishes


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