Auditing System using Python and Google APIs This system was created to help a friend's friend in auditing the google drive files automatically into a Google spreadsheet. I used python to experience in developing and accessing Google APIs
What things you need to install the software and how to install them: In running the program you need to have these libraries which are available on pip.
- httplib2
pip install httplib2
- pydrive
pip install pydrive
- Google Spreadsheet
pip install gspread
- Google API for Python
pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client
In deploying this script
The script will then authenticate through the browser for confirmation. After confirmation, it will then audit the google drive of the user selected in confirming the app.
It will produce a csv file for the audited files in a format where the fields are: Date Created, Date Last Modified, Title, Mime Type, Alternate Link, Folder Path, Owner Name
Sample Data Listed Below
Recruitment Directory
root> Recruitment Directory
Screenshot of a sample Command Prompt in writing to the Google Sheet
Screenshot of a sample Google Sheet Produced
- Kyle Farinas - kfpyzi
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- To the friend who introduced me to her friend to make this project.
- Google Quickstart API, you the best.