This gem provides a streamlined method for parsing the GitHub Archive. You have the ability to define custom event handlers for the different 22 GitHub Event Types. A custom event handler allows you to parse individual events as they are processed by the GitHub Archive Parser.
You want to print the name of newly created repositories. The first thing you need to do is create your own custom event handler which requires the following statement: includes GitHubArchiveParser::CreateEvent
. This causes GitHub Archive Parser to call your custom event handler class anytime it encounters a CreateEvent. In your custom event handler you only require one method def parser(event)
, which is executed when a CreateEvent is encountered. The event is a Hashie::Mash object which allows you to access the values of the hash using simple dot notation. You can define as many unique custom event handlers as needed (even for the same event type).
module AwesomeApplication
class PrintCreateEvent
include GitHubArchiveParser::CreateEvent
def parse(event)
# The event is a Hashie::Mash object for easy (dot) access
puts "#{event.repository.owner}/#{}"
When you have your custom event handlers setup you can simply start processing GitHub Archive using GitHubArchiveParser::Processor
. Currently you can process one hour blocks on an individual basis, or by specifing ranges.
processor =
processor.process_since("One Month Ago")
processor.process_between("One Week Ago", "Yesterday")