A curated map of active Mastodon service providers that operate primarily in or are targeted to a locality, region, city, country, or language.
The interactive map of the available servers is maintained at http://mastodon-near.me
Onboarding to Mastodon requires a decision about which server to join and can cause unnecessary friction. The map showcases service providers with a built-in local membership and demonstrated content moderation as a way to help choose a Mastodon server.
- Mastodon or a Mastodon fork (other ActivityPub services may become in scope at a later date),
- Open for registration (including approval required),
- Clearly demonstrated intent to serve a particular facility (e.g. a university), neighbourhood, city, region or country; or a specific language or family of languages that can generally be thought of as being constrained to a particular locale or region or are minority/underserved languages,
- HTTPS only,
- Over 50 active members
- Any server that clearly and overtly contravenes the Mastodon Server Covenant https://joinmastodon.org/covenant (public signing of the Mastodon Server Convenant is not required for inclusion),
- Any server that is consistently unreachable.
A separate register of regional servers is available at https://masto.town/
Open an Issue with the add, remove or edit.
(notable language support is shown where relevant)
URL | geo target | language focus |
https://0x3c.pl/ | Trójmiasto, Poland | Polski (Polish) |
https://a2mi.social | Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA | ------------- |
https://acg.debula.ml/ | Malaysia | ------------- |
https://ailbhean.co-shaoghal.net/ | Scotland | Gàidhlig (Gaelic) |
https://augsburg.social/ | Augsburg, Germany | Deutsch (German) |
https://aus.social/ | Australia | ------------- |
https://aut.social | Austria | ------------- |
https://balkan.fedive.rs/ | Western Balkans | босански (Bosnian) |
https://bath.social/ | Bath, UK | ------------- |
https://berlin.social/ | Berlin, Germany | Deutsch (German) |
https://better.boston/ | Boston, Massachussetts, USA | ------------- |
https://bne.social/ | Brisbane, Australia | ------------- |
https://bonn.social/ | Bonn, Germany | ------------- |
https://brandenburg.social/ | Brandenburg, Germany | Deutsch (German) |
https://burnthis.town/ | Brazil | Português (Portuguese) |
https://chilemasto.casa/ | Chile | Español (Spanish) |
https://cityofchicago.live/ | Chicago, USA | ------------- |
https://social.cologne | Cologne, Germany | Deutsch (German) |
https://darmstadt.social/ | Darmstadt, Germany | Deutsch (German) |
https://dizl.de/ | Germany | Deutsch (German) |
https://dresden.network/ | Dresden, Germany | Deutsch (German) |
https://est.social/ | Estonia | Eesti keel (Estonian) |
https://expressional.social/ | Copenhagen, Denmark | ------------- |
https://fedi.at | Austria | ------------- |
https://fikaverse.club/ | Scandinavia | ------------- |
https://frankfurt.social/ | Frankfurt, Germany | Deutsch (German) |
https://freiburg.social/ | Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany | Deutsch (German) |
https://fsmi.social/ | India | ------------- |
https://fuerstentum.social | Liechtenstein | ------------- |
https://fulda.social/ | Fulda, Germany | Deutsch (German) |
https://gardenstate.social/ | New Jersey, USA | ------------- |
https://gib.social/ | Gibraltar | ------------- |
https://glasgow.social | Glasgow, Scotland | ------------- |
https://gomastodon.cz/ | Czechia | ------------- |
https://graz.social/ | Graz, Austria | ------------- |
https://halifaxsocial.ca/ | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada | ------------- |
https://hessen.social/ | Hessen, Germany | Deutsch (German) |
https://hub.uckermark.social/ | Uckermark, Brandenburg, Germany | Deutsch (German) |
https://jawns.club/ | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA | ------------- |
https://jaxbeach.social/ | Jacksonville, Florida, USA | ------------- |
https://koyu.space/ | Kiel, Germany | ------------- |
https://kcmo.social/ | Kansas City, Missouri, USA | ------------- |
https://kopiti.am/ | Singapore | ------------- |
https://lile.cl | Chile | Español (Spanish) |
https://links.potsda.mn/ | Potsdamn, Germany | Deutsch (German) |
https://xn--lofll-1sat.is/ | Iceland | Íslenska (Icelandic) |
https://machteburch.social/ | Magdeburg, Germany | Deutsch (German) |
https://malaga.social/ | Malaga, Spain | Español (Spanish) |
https://mamot.fr/ | France | Français (French) |
https://mao.mastodonhub.com/ | Hong Kong | ------------- |
https://masr.social/ | Egypt | ------------- |
https://masto.pt/ | Portugal | ------------- |
https://mastodon.acc.sunet.se/ | Umeå University, Sweden | ------------- |
https://mastodon.akhepcat.com/ | Alaska, USA | ------------- |
https://mastodon.au/ | Australia | ------------- |
https://mastodon.babb.be/ | University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway | ------------- |
https://mastodon.bachgau.social/ | Bachgau Region, Germany | Deutsch (German) |
https://mastodon.bayern/ | Bavaria, Germany | ------------- |
https://mastodon.berlin/ | Berlin, Germany | Deutsch (German) |
https://mastodon.bida.im/ | Bologna, Italy | ------------- |
https://mastodon.com.py/ | Paraguay | ------------- |
https://mastodon.com.tr/ | Turkey | ------------- |
https://mastodon.cr/ | Costa Rica | ------------- |
https://mastodon.eus/ | Basque Country | Euskara (Basque) |
https://mastodon.fedi.bzh/ | Rennes, France | Brezhoneg (Breton) |
https://mastodon.gougere.fr/ | Auxerre, France | ------------- |
https://mastodon.holeyfox.co/ | Nigeria | ------------- |
https://mastodon.hr/ | Croatia | ------------- |
https://mastodon.iow.social/ | Isle of Wight, UK | ------------- |
https://mastodon.fo/ | Faroe Islands | ------------- |
https://mastodon.free-solutions.org/ | Switzerland | French |
https://mastodon.grin.hu | Hungary | ------------- |
https://mastodon.ie/ | Ireland | ------------- |
https://mastodon.in.th/ | Thailand | ------------- |
https://mastodon.madrid/ | Madrid, Spain | ------------- |
https://mastodon.me.uk/ | United Kingdom | ------------- |
https://mastodon.mg/ | Madagascar | ------------- |
https://mastodon.mit.edu/ | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts, USA | ------------- |
https://mastodon.ml/ | Russia | ------------- |
https://mastodon.nl/ | The Netherlands | ------------- |
https://mastodon.nu/ | Sweden | ------------- |
https://masto.nyc/ | New York City, New York, USA | ------------- |
https://mastodon.nz/ | New Zealand | ------------- |
https://mastodon.nzoss.nz/ | New Zealand | ------------- |
https://mastodon.opencloud.lu/ | Luxembourg | ------------- |
https://mastodon.org.uk/ | United Kingdom | ------------- |
https://mastodon.scot/ | Scotland | ------------- |
https://mastodon.se/ | Sweden | Svenska (Swedish) |
https://mastodon.sk/ | Slovakia | ------------- |
https://mastodon.tn/ | Tunisia | ------------- |
https://mastodon.uno/ | Italy | ------------- |
https://mastodon.uy/ | Uruguay | ------------- |
https://mastodon.vlaanderen/ | Flanders | Dutch |
https://mastodon-belgium.be/ | Belgium | Dutch, French, English, German |
https://mastodonapp.uk/ | United Kingdom | ------------- |
https://mastodonindonesia.com/ | Indonesia | ------------- |
https://mastodont.cat/ | Catalonia | Català (Catalan) |
https://mastodontti.fi/ | Finland | ------------- |
https://mastodonczech.cz/ | Czechia | ------------- |
https://mastodos.com/ | Kyoto, Japan | ------------- |
https://mcr.wtf/ | Manchester, United Kingdon | English |
https://metu.life/ | Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey | ------------- |
https://mstdn.ca/ | Canada | ------------- |
https://mstdn.dk/ | Denmark | ------------- |
https://mstdn.es/ | Spain | ------------- |
https://mstdn.id/ | Indonesia | ------------- |
https://mstdn.jp/ | Japan | ------------- |
https://mstdn.mx/ | Mexico | ------------- |
https://mstdn.my/ | Malaysia | ------------- |
https://mstdn.ro/ | Romania | ------------- |
https://muenchen.social/ | Muenchen, Germany | ------------- |
https://muenster.im/ | Münster, Germany | ------------- |
https://nahe.social/ | Bad Kreuznach, Germany | ------------- |
https://netzkms.de/ | Chemnitz, Germany | ------------- |
https://norden.social/ | Northern Germany | ------------- |
https://norrebro.space/ | Denmark | ------------- |
https://nrw.social/ | North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany | ------------- |
https://nuernberg.social/ | Nürnberg, Germany | German |
https://nutmeg.social | Connecticut, USA | ------------- |
https://nwb.social/ | Nieuw West Brabant, Netherlands | ------------- |
https://occitania.social/ | Occitania | Occitan |
https://oceanplayground.social/ | Nova Scotia, Canada | ------------- |
https://okla.social/ | Oklahoma, USA | ------------- |
https://ooe.social/ | Linz, Austria | ------------- |
https://oslo.town/ | Oslo, Norway | ------------- |
https://osna.social/ | Osnabruck, Germany | Deutsch (German) |
https://pdx.social/ | Portland, Oregon, USA | ------------- |
https://pfalz.social/ | Pfalz Region, Germany | Palatine, German, English |
https://piaille.fr/ | France | ------------- |
https://planet.moe/ | South Korea | ------------- |
https://pleroma.pt/ | Portugal | ------------- |
https://ploen.social/ | Kreis Plön, Germany | ------------- |
https://pnw.zone/ | Pacific Northwest region (Canada and USA) | ------------- |
https://pol.social/explore | Poland | ------------- |
https://rheinneckar.social | Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar, Germany | ------------- |
https://ruhr.social | The Ruhr, Germany | ------------- |
https://rva.party/ | Richmond, Virginia, USA | ------------- |
https://sasa.africa/ | Africa | ------------- |
https://sbg-social.at/ | Salzburg, Austria | English, German |
https://sfba.social/ | San Francisco, California, USA | ------------- |
https://snabelen.no/ | Norway | ------------- |
https://soc.catala.digital/ | Catalonia | Catalan |
https://social.net.ua/ | Ukraine | ------------- |
https://social.saarland/ | Saarland, Germany | ------------- |
https://social.seattle.wa.us/ | Seattle, Washington, USA | ------------- |
https://social.tulsa.ok.us/ | Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA | ------------- |
https://socialclub.nyc/ | New York City, New York, USA | ------------- |
https://sueden.social/ | Southern Germany | ------------- |
https://tea.codes/ | Hong Kong & Mainland China | ------------- |
https://theatl.social | Atlanta, Georgia, USA | ------------- |
https://thecanadian.social/ | Canada | ------------- |
https://thegem.city/ | Dayton, Ohio, USA | ------------- |
https://toot.aquilenet.fr | Aquitaine, France | ------------- |
https://tooot.im/ | Israel | עִברִית (Hebrew) |
https://toot.si/ | Slovenia | ------------- |
https://toot.wales/ | Wales | Cymraeg (Welsh) |
https://tooting.ch/ | Switzerland | ------------- |
https://troet.cafe/ | Germany | ------------- |
https://triangletoot.party/ | Research Triangle, North Carolina, USA | ------------- |
https://tukkers.online/ | Twente, Germany | ------------- |
https://tyrol.social/ | Tyrol, Austria | ------------- |
https://tw.town/ | Eastern Washington, USA | ------------- |
https://twitteregypt.online/ | Egypt | ------------- |
https://vancity.social/ | Vancouver, Canada | ------------- |
https://vermont.masto.host/ | Vermont, USA | ------------- |
https://vkl.world/ | Belarus | ------------- |
https://voi.social/ | Austria | ------------- |
https://wien.rocks/ | Vienna, Austria | ------------- |
https://witter.cz/ | Czech Republic | ------------- |
https://wue.social/ | Würzburg, Germany | ------------- |
https://Xarxa.cloud/ | Catalonia | Català (Catalan) |
https://yorkshire.social/ | Yorkshire, UK | ------------- |
https://թութ.հայ/ | Armenia | ------------- |
All map entries are placed on their geolocation as found by Open Street Map. Balkans geo-centre per https://toot.wales/web/statuses/105599802707065631
The following people contributed feedback and links for this directory and the associated map:
- https://the.vermonters.club/@scully
- https://austin.community/@shane
- https://mastodon.scot/@Jkp
- https://qoto.org/@zleap
- https://mastodon.xyz/@lightone
- https://mastodon.org.uk/@xvilo
- https://nrw.social/@dbeaver
- https://tooting.ch/@tursiops
- https://mas.to/@rodti
- https://mastodon.uno/@filippodb
- https://xarxa.cloud/@t3rr0rz0n3
- https://mastodon.lazysquirrel.co.uk/@bumblebee
- https://darmstadt.social/@w4tsn
- https://nerdica.net/profile/ij
- https://pleroma.pt/@lisbonjoker
- https://mastodon.fedi.bzh/@ewen
- https://mastodon.gougere.fr/@papaeng89
- https://immermusik.de/@thomas
- https://indieweb.social/@tchambers
- https://en.osm.town/@karlos
- https://gnubox.org/users/stereo
- https://expired.mentality.rip/users/zudlig
- https://social.aiqwest.com/@alexevon
- https://todon.nl/@imke
- https://social.tchncs.de/@phr
- https://mastodon.social/@danie10
- https://barcelona.social/users/titi
- https://mastodon.technology/@dusansimic
- https://bonn.social/@vilbi
- https://mastodon.utwente.nl/@Erik
- https://mstdn.social/@Mara
- https://mastodon.lol/@piaplzn
- https://oberpfalz.social/@sebastian
- https://social.tchncs.de/@lauteshirn
- https://md.social/@zaHunter
- https://floss.social/@silmathoron
- https://mastodon.nzoss.nz/@rune
- https://metu.life/@Tuan
- https://tooot.im/@aRubes
Many servers are based on a particular topic, language or area, and some are more general. Here are some other great lists of Mastodon servers you can join: