ArcGIS APi for JavaScript: Tips and Tricks for Developing and Debugging Apps
- Code Assist Demo
- Resources:
1. Demo creating snippet
2. Add snippet to Sublime or VSCode and show how to use
3. Also show a demo of combining a few Emmet shortcuts and snippets to setup project. Use ! to stub out html, link:css
Resources :
[Tool to create snippets](
[My snippet library](/~
[Emmet support for Sublime Text 3](
[Emmet cheat sheet](
Setting up a development web server is an easy way to quickly develop and test your apps built with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript without having to setup something like Apache or IIS.
- John Gravois has a great intro on setting up a web server
- Many IDE's have extensions or plug-ins you can install. One example is Live Server in VSCode
- (TODO) update demo to use http-server Another option is to use Express to create a simple web server within your project.
Install express
npm install express
Create a simple file - in the sample app we name it server.js and paste the following code:
``` const express = require('express'); const app = express(); const root = `${__dirname}/dist`; app.use(express.static(root)); app.listen(5678); console.log('Running on http://localhost:' + 5678); ```
Open a command prompt in the app folder and type
node server.js
Open a browser and point it to the url specified in the console and you should see your app.
Development Server Demo IndexZero
* Persist dev tool changes locally
* Local overrides
* Accessibility Testing [Axe accessibility extenstion](
** Axe Coconut (like Chrome Canary or Firefox Nightly)
* Quickly check out fonts used on web page [WhatFont](
* JSON Prettifier (I use JSONView in Chrome ) [JSONView](
* Screen Reader [ChromeVox](
* Module order
* How do I know when xxx feature will be available in 4.x
* 4x extent-changed event:
* View then/when
- Audits
- Check color contrast
* Using debugger to stop at point in code then inspect.
* Throttling via browser
* Mobile emulation
* Debug requests using Network tab
- Setup and demo this: /~
- Join the Spatial Community on slack
- Geonet