Voice Todos Desktop Application.
The app provides simple todos but it has a interesting point. It's "Voice". You can input your todo to speak it throgh your laptop. The app speaks your todos after you completed them.
If you use full features in the app, you need to get your google api key. Refer to the following simple steps.
- Go to Google Developer Console and make your key.
- Connect your api key to 'Speech API' in the site. If you can't find it, join Chromium developer group, and you can find it.
Set up
$ git clone /~https://github.com/keidrun/voice-todo.git
$ cd voice-todo
$ touch config.js
$ echo "exports.googleApiKey = '[YOUR API KEY]';" > config.js
$ npm run production
Or Run as 'app' on Mac
$ npm run build
$ open build/Voice\ Todos\ \!-darwin-x64/Voice\ Todos\ \!.app
Or Run as 'exe' on Windows
> npm run build
> &"build\Voice Todos !-win32-x64\Voice Todos !.exe"
Your todos are saved in the following file on Mac.
/Users/yourusername/Library/Application\ Support/voice-todo/storage/todos.json