KDBX format implementation in pure dart.
Forked from /~https://github.com/authpass/kdbx.dart/ for modification and use in Kee Vault.
Different consumers of the KDBX library have different requirements and it may or may not be possible to have a single Dart library to meet all needs. Feel free to open an issue if this seems close to what you need but you have suggestions for improvements.
The rest of this Readme is unmodified from the original fork and unreviewed.
- Code is very much based on /~https://github.com/keeweb/kdbxweb/
- https://gist.github.com/msmuenchen/9318327
- Supports kdbx v3 with native dart implementation
- Supports kdbx v4 with combination with argon2 ffi
root directory contains shared libraris (libargon2*) which are built from /~https://github.com/authpass/argon2_ffi
- MacOS:
- argon2_ffi/ios/Classes
cmake . && cmake --build .
cp libargon2_ffi.dylib kdbx.dart/
- Might need to run:
codesign --remove-signature /usr/local/bin/dart
dart-lang/sdk#39231 (comment)
- Linux:
- argon2_ffi/ios/Classes
cmake . && cmake --build .
cp libargon2_ffi.so kdbx.dart/
- Windows:
- Install Visual Studio Commnity Edition with C++ Development environment
- Start "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019"
- argon2_ffi/ios/Classes:
cmake . cmake --build . cp Debug\argon2_ffi.dll C:\kdbx.dart\argon2_ffi_plugin.dll
- For v4 argon2 support would be required. Unfortunately there are no dart implementations, or bindings yet. (as far as I can find).