Releases: kazulagi/plantFEM
plantFEM 22.04(LTS)
Dear everyone,
I am glad to inform you of the new release.
This is the first Long-Time Support (LTS) version of plantFEM.
This version is supported until April of 2025.
The followings are major updated points from plantFEM 21.10.
5 newly created classes
- [New!] ReactorClass >> solvers for reaction equation.
- [New!] FEMSolverClass: Eigen solvers and linear solvers based on LAPACK
- [New!] COOClass >> types COO_ and CRS_ are implemented for sparse matrices.
- [New!] CivilItemClass >> New classes for BIM/CIM.
- [New!] ReactorClass >> solvers for reaction equation.
4 major updates
- [Updated!] IOClass > parse: Simple parser for arbitrary time-series data
- [Updated!] ArrayClass >> numpy-like array is implemented.
- [Updated!] FEMDomainClass/SoybeanClass >> MPI-based object sharing procedure for FEMDoamin and Soybean objects.
- [Updated!] SoybeanClass >> simple growth simulators are implemented.
Haruka Tomobe
plantFEM 21.10
Dear all,
plantFEM 21.10 is released on 20th Oct. 2021, which is the first official release of this software.
plantFEM 21.10 is a CLI-based software to create and operate cyber research fields for Agriculture and Civil Engineering. You can conduct numerical simulations of deformation, diffusion, reactions in plants and soils based on some PDEs discretized by the FEM. You can use it FOR FREE for private/commercial uses under the MIT license, without any warranty of any kind.
plantFEM also contains pre-processing functions so you can create a cyber environment without any preparations. For example, you can create a single soybean plant with only 3 lines of code, and also can create 2000 ha of the cyber farm only by the 6 lines.
The software is not only for generating/operating cyber farms but also for big-data analysis of vegetation. For this kind of workflow, the software has similar functions and subroutines to NumPy, Pandas, MatLab, and R language. Although there are many things to be added, we are ready for the implementation. Feel free to contact us or write some Issues on Github. We will implement them as soon as possible. Also, questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome.
We are feeling sorry for our poor documentations. We recognize the importance of the documents and tutorials. We will hopefully add them in the next release, 22.04 on April 2022. There are also many things to be implemented, such as a GUI, APIs for Python, JavaScript, R, Matlab and simulators. We seriously need implementers of such fields.
We are financially supported by JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN) grant number 17J02383, 20K22599, and Government Funding for Operating Expenses.
Haruka Tomobe, Ph.D.
(E-mail: tomobe.haruka.58m atmark
On behalf of the team
SiCroF version 0.0.1-alpha is arrived.
Dear all,
We need version-names to refer to each version or update. That's it.
There are so many things to be revised, therefore, this is an alpha version of a possible youngest number; 0.0.1.
Haruka Tomobe and SiCroF