The Mind Waves project aims to keep a check and improve employees’ Mental Health and overall well-being. The core idea behind creating a mental health application for the workplace is to address the growing concerns around stress, anxiety, and mental health in the modern workplace.
A deployed version can be checked here:
Explore Mind Waves with this product tour video.
- Track Your Goals
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Mental Health Questionnaire
- Engaging Activities
- Daily Self-care
- View Achievements
- Leaderboard
- Educational Resources
- Google Authentication
- Great UI/UX
- Completely responsive front end
- Real-time updates
- Data storage and retrieval
- Deployed product
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, MaterialUI, React.js, ReduxBackend:
MongoDB AtlasIDE:
Visual Studio CodeVersion Control:
- Google Fit
- Calendly
- Google Authentication
For Deployment, We have used AWS
as a platform.
A deployed version can be checked here:
- Clone this repository in your local system.
- Open terminal in a new folder and enter the command given below.
git clone /~
Make sure that Node is installed and updated in your machine.
Install dependencies.
- Open terminal in the cloned folder and enter the commands given below.
npm install cd .\backend\ npm install cd ..
- Create build
- While you are still inside the cloned folder, write the following command in terminal to create build.
npm run build
- Run the project.
- Inside the cloned folder, write the following command in terminal to run the application locally.
cd .\backend\ npm start
- If everything is done in order, the application will be running at "" or your localhost "http://localhost:8000/".
Admin panel
: Create an Admin panel to onboard employees and consultants & set goals for the organization. -
Custom reminders
: Add feature for users to set custom reminders for breaks and daily activities. -
Monthly Stats
: Show stats for previous months as well. -
Mobile Application
: Develop a mobile application for the product.
A complete project report for the system with use case diagram, web flow, relational diagram, etc can be found here: MindWaves | Project Report.
A presentation for the project can be found here: MindWaves | Presentation.
Thank you for such a wonderful hackathon ❤️