#Cookiess! Forum (UBv2)
This is a Reddit Mock, migrated from Ubiquitous Biscuit (React, React Router, Express, PSQL, Jest), built with Next 13, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, Supabase and Cypress.
- Users can sign up, with captcha protection, and will receive email to activate the account.
- login via email or 2 types of social login (Github/Facebook) and view their own profile page
- Both non authenticated users and authenticated users can read articles and comments without restrictions
- Authenticated users can post new articles
- Users who are the author of the article can edit/update the article (*)
- Users who are the author of the article/comment can delete the article/comment
- Users can create complex query to sort the list of articles, including comment count, article id, author name and created time.
- Users can filter articles by topic.
Next, Typescript, Supabase, Tailwind CSS, Cypress