supybot plugin for seloger
This supybot plugin searches and alerts you in query for any new adds on the french website "".
See the plugin files.
Here is the result inside irssi:
This plugin relies on:
- supybot
- lxml
- sqlite3
- python2
Here is the commands list with a few examples:
: help for this module
sladdrent <postal code> <min surface> <max price> <min_num_room>
: add a new rent search for you
<nickname> sladdrent 59000 20 600 1
<supyhome> Done sladd
sladdbuy <postal code> <min surface> <max price> <min_num_room>
: add a new buy search for you
<nickname> sladdbuy 75001 20 6000000000 10
<supyhome> Done sladd
: list your active searches
<nickname> sllist
<supyhome> ID: d5671b6f12ebee2449f307513f3c6322 | Surface >= 20 | Loyer <= 600 | cp == 59000 | type ad == 1 | Pieces >= 1
<supyhome> ID: 939262a37d935f4e6297de3a7afbf483 | Surface >= 20 | Loyer <= 6000000000 | cp == 75001 | type ad == 2 | Pieces >= 10
<supyhome> Done sllist
sldisable <search ID>
: remove the given search (use sllist to recover the )
<nickname> sldisable 939262a37d935f4e6297de3a7afbf483
slstatrent <postal code|'all'>
: print some stats about your rent searches
<nickname> slstatrent 59000
<supyhome> [...]
<supyhome> Done slstat
slstatbuy <postal code|'all'>
: print some stats about your buy searches
<nickname> slstatbuy all
<supyhome> [...]
<supyhome> Done slstat
This plugin replies you and sends you new adds in query.
This section explains how to install supybot (given that you already have git and the dependancies installed)
It might also be a good idea to create a dedicated user for supybot.
Here are the commands to create a supybot from scratch with this plugin:
$ mkdir mybot/
$ cd mybot/
$ supybot-wizard #answer the questions (install it in the default directory (./))
$ git clone /~ plugins/SeLoger/
$ sed -i 's/\(supybot.plugins:.*\)/\1\ SeLoger/' *.conf
$ echo "supybot.plugins.SeLoger: True" >>*.conf
$ echo "supybot.plugins.SeLoger.public: True" >>*.conf
$ screen supybot *.conf
And it should work, however, some servers could kick the bot for excess flood (it sends a lot of messages, specialy when adding new search), just change this parameter inside your bot configuration file:
supybot.protocols.irc.throttleTime: <float value>