This is a simple Python Flask web application that can be used for the demonstration of Application Security testing tools - such as OpenText Application Security.
- Windows or Linux machine with Python 3.12 or later
- Pip package manager
- Local Docker installation (optional)
You can the run the application locally using the following:
python -m venv .venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
The application should then be available at the URL http://localhost:5000
. If it fails to start,
make sure you have no other applications running on port 5000.
You also can build a Docker image for the application using the following:
docker build -t demoapp:latest .
Then run the container using a command similar to the following:
docker run -dp 8080:8000 demoapp:latest
The application will then be available at the URL http://localhost:8080
. If it fails to start,
make sure you have no other applications running on port 8080.
There are only a few features that are functional in this version of the app:
- you can navigate to the "Shop"
- you can type in some keywords in the Shop search box, e.g. "alphadex" to filter results
- you can click on any search result to navigate to a details page
- you can download a datasheet PDF from a details page
- you can subscribe to the newsletter by entering an email address in the input field of the footer
These have been "enabled" because they all have potential security issues that can be found by Fortify.
You can login/logout (user credentials are: or for the OTP code, the secret is hard coded to "base32secret3232" so you can use an app or online tool such as TOTP Token Generator to generate the code.
To carry out a Fortify Static Code Analyzer local scan, run the following:
sourceanalyzer -b iwapy -clean
sourceanalyzer -b iwapy -python-path ".venv/Lib/site-packages/" -exclude ".venv" "app"
sourceanalyzer -b iwapy -scan
To carry out a Fortify ScanCentral SAST scan, run the following:
fcli ssc session login
scancentral package -o -bt none --python-virtual-env .venv -oss
fcli sast-scan start --release "_YOURAPP_:_YOURREL_" -f --store curScan
fcli sast-scan wait-for ::curScan::
fcli ssc action run appversion-summary --av "_YOURAPP_:_YOURREL_" -fs "Security Auditor View" -f
To carry out a Fortify on Demand scan, run the following:
fcli fod session login
scancentral package -o -bt none --python-virtual-env .venv -oss
fcli fod sast-scan start --release "_YOURAPP_:_YOURREL_" -f --store curScan
fcli fod sast-scan wait-for ::curScan::
fcli fod action run release-summary --rel "_YOURAPP_:_YOURREL_" -f
Kevin A. Lee (kadraman) -