We are testing the following 3 Garbage Collectors:
- Generational Semi-Space(GenSS) on Maxine VM
- Semi-Space on Maxine VM
- G1 collector on HotSpot VM
For measuring the performance of each GC we are using the SPECjvm2008 benchmark suite, which consists of the following benchmarks : (Startup, Compiler, Compress, Crypto, Derby, Mpegaudio, Scimark, Serial, Sunflow, Xml)
Each test is performed for all 3 different GCs and for 5 different heap sizes(64 to 1024 MB), which results in 135 individual test runs.
- Maxine VM(/~https://github.com/beehive-lab/Maxine-VM) must be build for testing GenSS and Semi-Space GCs.
- Oracle's HotSpot must be build for testing G1 collector.
- Python 2.7
Specjvm2008 must be downloaded (https://www.spec.org/download.html) and placed in the following dir: src/main/resources/SPEC. Benchmark run scipts inside: src/main/python create any other necessary dir inside src/main/resources.
Inside src/main/python each Python script corresponds to a different GC test.
eg. running runGenSSBenchmarks.py executes all SPECjvm2008 benchmark tests on Maxine VM using GEnerational Semi-Space garbage collector(default GC). Results will be generated inside /src/main/resources/Benchmarks sorted by each individual test.
** each benchmark run may take a lot of time(5-10 hours) depending on the HW characteristics of the host computer.
Python parsers are located inside src/main/python/Parsers. Again, each script corresponds to a different GC test.
- eg. running genSSParser.py all benchmark results of Maxine's GenSS(located in src/main/resource/Benchmarks) are parsed and the output results are stored: src/main/resources/PlotInput as .csv files.
Finally, a Python script(src/main/python/Parsers/plot.py) receives as input the .csv files that are were previously generated and creates the final plots of the benchmark results.
We use the following arguments: - Maxine's GCs : -XX:+TraceGCTime, -XX:+PrintCompilationTime - HotSpot G1: -XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime, -verbose:gc
Both Maxine's GCs benchmark tests can be run with the following cmd:
*mx vm -Xms heapSizeInit -Xmx heapSizeMax -XX:+TraceGCTime -XX:+PrintCompilationTime -jar [SPEC_PARAMS]*
HotSpot's G1 can be used with the following cmd:
*java heapSizeInit -Xmx heapSizeMax -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime -verbose:gc -jar [SPEC_PARAMS]*