This is a portfolio that I constantly updated.
Hi, I’m @kachunwu from Hong Kong. Working as a researcher in the university, my primary job duty is to manage and analyse data consisting psychological measures. I’m currently learning multiple languages, including Python, R, SQL, and Matlab, each for their specialized features.
I am also having some private project related to analytics about the video game industry, ChatGPT and some other stuffs. If you want to have collaboration with me, feel free to send me a email!
1. Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate: How Can a Wellness Technology Company Play It Smart?
hk-school-contact: a Python-based web scraper that helps me scrap the school information from Education Bureau of HKSAR (This is a skill-test project rather than. A more accurate official data would be from
eeg_preprocessing_pipeline: my preprocessing pipeline for my MPhil thesis