What's new/changed in v2.0.0
- New type of game - Killer Sudoku
- Backup and restore feature
- Added preview for custom date pattern
- Added sorting by date in games history
- Added more color schemes, and now you can generate your own with your color and all monet palettes
- Added
board preview inBoardTheme
settings screen - Added Redo feature (long tap on undo) (Issue #56)
- Added ability to export current game board in
- Board font size setting moved to
screen - Added sheet with a 5 recently played games with all info when pressing
game - Redesigned settings. The settings categories are now divided into separate screens (and there are more icons now🔥)
- Redesigned
screen. - Redesigned
screen (onboarding). Added 3 quick options: select app language, open settings, restore backup PreferenceRow
is less rounded now- Apply
when highlighting cells (no more corners overlap) - Fixed old bug when the app could crash when completing a game
- Removed
crash reporting - Added
instead of ACRA dialog - Animate colors on theme change
- Added the ability to generate sudoku in a folder
- Added Advanced Hint System (aka hints with explanation). This thing is very experimental, at the moment there are only a few techniques present
- Added in-app updater with stable and beta channels
- Press on grid to resume
- Much better looking export as string in 'SavedGameScreen'
- Added selected value note highlight
- Fixed issue where the last game's difficulty and type were not being applied at 'HomeScreen'
- The font size of notes is now calculated based on the cell size (and paddings are applied). Simply put, there will no longer be situations where notes may overlap or go beyond the cell.
- Added support for board automatic font size
- Redesigned languages screen.
- I hope I didn't forget anything
- Many other small fixes and improvements
Killer Sudoku
Killer Sudoku is a puzzle where players fill a grid with numbers 1 to 9 so that each row, column, and 3x3 subgrid contains each number once, while also ensuring that the numbers in specified groups (cages) add up to given sums.
(Read more on Wikipedia - Killer Sudoku)
Backup & Restore
Now you can back up all your games (including folders and statistics), and app settings to a json
file. And then restore it.
App can automatically back up your data every specified period of time (you need to enable this feature in settings)
Under the hood changes:
- Migrated to Compose Destinations navigation
- Migrated to Kotlin DSL with version catalogs
- Updated all dependencies
bumped from 7 to 20 (to sync with the app published on RuStore (that's a Russian thing, never mind))
Translation (Hosted Weblate)
Merged all strings and added many new languages. Thanks to everyone who helps to translate this app, love you 💖
P.S Totally unimportant and unrelated to the update
My app is NOT published on Google Play or anywhere else except GitHub, RuStore and F-Droid/
This app was and will be always free, without any subscriptions or ads
Please don't pay money for this app when they only change the name or fill it with ads. There are so many of them on Google Play
Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v2.0.0