Kōritsu is a tool that allows the generation of an energy model that represents the important first-order characteristics that impact a building’s energy use. This tool allows for high-level building energy insights in an easy-to-use package.
Navigate to this working directory and type the following
docker build -t koritsu-www:latest .
Note the included period after space
General build command:
docker build -t koritsu-www:TAG .
where 'TAG' is some identifier (for more see: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/tag/).
Navigate to this working directory repo and type the following command:
docker-compose up -d
This will take about 15-30 minutes to run. The following containers will be built:
- Web & API container
- Web URL: http://koritsu.test
- Starts Queue in the background
- Contains Ruby Gems to run analysis
- Contains OpenStudio 3.1.0-2 and Gems to use Openstudio Meta
- API Docs: http://koritsu.test/docs & ttp://koritsu.test/docs/private
- Super Admin User / Password: admin@admin.com / admin
- Web URL: http://koritsu.test
- Database container
- PostgreSQL
- pgAdmin container
Windows users need to install the WSL kernel update: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10#step-4---download-the-linux-kernel-update-package
Also windows users need to edit this hosts file:
Edit the file like so: koritsu.test api.koritsu.test
Optional - Add the db url db.koritsu.test
Wait about 1 minute after the container is done so the database can initialize and compile.
You can use the UI to go into CLI but this is the preferred method. First find the Container ID by running the following command:
docker ps
Then use this line to run bash on that container:
docker exec -it <-Container-id-> bash
Here is how to run an analysis via CLI:
php artisan openstudio:base 1 true
1 is the project id and true is need if debugging.
To run debug mode in the ruby script add true to the command from the analysis debugging, like so:
cd /data/github/koritsu-www/app/Containers/Ruby; /root/.rbenv/shims/ruby /data/github/koritsu-www/app/Containers/Ruby/createAnalysis.rb '{"weather_file_name":"USA_UT_Salt.Lake.City.Intl.AP.725720_TMY3.epw","alternative_name":"Base","project_id":1,"project_name":"Docker Test","measures":[{"name":"openstudio_results","arguments":[]},{"name":"ChangeBuildingLocation","arguments":{"weather_file_name":"USA_UT_Salt.Lake.City.Intl.AP.725720_TMY3.epw","climate_zone":"ASHRAE 169-2013-4B"}},{"name":"create_bar_from_building_type_ratios","arguments":{"bldg_type_a":"SmallOffice","template":"90.1-2010","total_bldg_floor_area":55000,"floor_height":15,"num_stories_above_grade":2,"num_stories_below_grade":0,"building_rotation":12,"ns_to_ew_ratio":2,"wwr":0.35,"climate_zone":"ASHRAE 169-2013-4B"}},{"name":"create_typical_building_from_model","arguments":{"system_type":"VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat","hvac_delivery_type":"Forced Air","htg_src":"NaturalGas","clg_src":"Electricity","swh_src":"Inferred","kitchen_makeup":"None","onsite_parking_fraction":0.25,"modify_wkdy_op_hrs":true,"wkdy_op_hrs_start_time":6,"wkdy_op_hrs_duration":10,"modify_wknd_op_hrs":true,"wknd_op_hrs_start_time":10,"wknd_op_hrs_duration":4,"unmet_hours_tolerance":2}}]}' /data/github/OpenStudio-server-3.1.0-2/bin/openstudio_meta true
Use the pgAdmin web portal at
You need to add a server. The server info is in the docker-compose.yml. The server host is 'db' but you might need to get the IP of the docker container by running the following command:
docker inspect <-Container-id->
To stop all services run the following in the working directory repo.
docker-compose down
To Setup Koritsu on Ubuntu you need to following these two steps (1) Setup Step (2) Configure Postgreql (3) Update .env (4) Startup Steps
Make sure you have you Ubuntu instance setup with 8 Gb of ram and 2 CPU cores. This will cost around $40 per month using AWS lightsail. You need to connect to Ubuntu via SSH + your key. Once connected make sure Ubuntu is up to date. This project was tested on Ubuntu 20.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
Create the following root folder:
sudo mkdir /data
sudo chmod 777 -R /data
Create a github folder underneath and clone this repo
mkdir /data/github
Create SSH Keys
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "username"
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
Copy Public key to Github
cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub
ssh -T git@github.com
cd /data/github/
git clone git@github.com:kW-Labs/koritsu.git
Here you can make the setup.sh executable and run the bash script as normal ubuntu user, which contains sudo commands
chmod +x /data/github/koritsu-www/setup.sh
You need to setup Postgresql User and database.
sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create database apiato;
postgres=# create user laravel with encrypted password 'secure!Password2022';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database apiato to laravel;
Clone .env.docker to .env and update the fields for the following:
- Postgresql
- SMTP Mail info
- OpenStudio Host/IP
- Domain Server Information
Run the following startup.sh script
This will Create the database tables and run the startup porcess. Note: this startup script is for development only and will not startup openstudio server locally. You can modify the script for production and to startup openstudio server locallly if you want.