This application is one half of a system. The other half is a group of ESP8266-12E devices paired with DHT22 temperature & humidity sensors. The devices report the sensor data by using the API provided in this application. That data is then saved to a MongoDB database hosted on mLab.
The target platform for this application is a Tessel 2. However this application will also run in most any other NodeJS environment.
This is part of my ongoing self education of all things "IoT". The place where this application began wasn't the first step. Initially I had to determine the capabilities of the Tessel in regards to how I would implement this application.
I knew that this application required :
- the ability to read and write to a database
- the ability to provide API endpoints to sensor devices
- to fit into the available memory on the Tessel 2
- to run without errors in third party NodeJS packages