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A Weather Dashboard app utilizing OpenWeather API for current and five-day conditions. Previous searches are added to a list for quick retrieval of weather data. App is mobile friendly!

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⛅ 🌦️ ForecastFinder ☁️🌫️

Your Weather Planning Companion!

💻 Live Deployment:

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📂 Table of Contents:

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👋 Description:

ForecastFinder is a weather dashboard app that allows users to search for weather information for a specific location using the OpenWeather API. With ForecastFinder, users can quickly and easily find the current weather conditions, as well as a five-day forecast, for any city around the world.

🚀 Features

  • Weather Search : Users can search for weather information by city name or zip code. The app automatically detects if the input is a zip code and formats the API request accordingly.

  • Current Weather Display: The app displays the current weather conditions for the searched location, including temperature, weather description, humidity, and wind speed.

  • Five-day Forecast: ForecastFinder provides a five-day forecast that includes temperature, weather description, and weather icon for each day.

  • Previous Searches: The app keeps track of previous searches made by the user, allowing them to easily access the weather information for previously searched cities.

  • User Notifications: ForecastFinder provides user notifications for successful searches and error handling for invalid inputs or API errors.

  • Responsive Design: The app is responsive and can be accessed on different devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

💭 Developer Notes:

ForecastFinder was originally a generic Weather-Dashboard that I created during my cohort in the UCLA Coding Bootcamp. Driven by a commitment to demonstrating my capability to see projects through to completion, ForecastFinder has undergone a transformation into a more customized and refined Weather Dashboard. Noteworthy additions encompass the integration of color-coded user notifications and the implementation of an instructional modal, both of which enhance the application's functionality and user experience.

🙏 Thank you

So much for checking out ForecastFinder, this has been an educational boon for me and I appreciate any interest in checking the app out. I devoted time into ensuring the code is modularized and potentially useful. It's my hope that this application helps YOU out in anyway possible. Feel free to take a look through the files, Happy Coding!

📖 User Story:

AS A busy traveler

  • I WANT to see the current weather of a city
    • SO THAT I can plan for the day
  • I WANT a five day forecast
    • SO THAT I can plan out my week
  • I WANT a list of previously searched locations
    • SO THAT I know the weather for each destination

GIVEN a weather dashboard with form inputs

  • WHEN I search for a city
    • THEN I am presented with current and future conditions for that city
    • THEN I am presented with the five day forecast
    • THEN I am presented a list of all previously searched locations

💾 Resources Used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • OpenWeather API

💽 Getting Started:

  • Enter a city name or zip code in the search input field.
  • Press Enter or click the Search button to retrieve the weather information for the entered location.
  • View the current weather conditions and the five-day forecast on the app.
  • Access previous search results by clicking on the search history buttons.

📧 Contact Information:


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