ioBroker packaged as a CCU-Addon for RaspberryMatic and the HomeMatic CCU3.
This plugin contains a full installation of the SmartHome solution "ioBroker" (see also: as an addon on your CCU3/RaspberryMatic on Raspi or Tinkerboard. (/~ The homematic adapters are already installed and ready to use. (Configured with ip
The usage is like a common ioBroker installation, with one difference: The update of the js-controller (see below)
Like any other plugin hm-iobroker can be installed directly from WebUI of your Homematic CCU.
Steps to install the plugin:
- Download the latest version of the plugin here: /~ (a .tar.gz file)
- On your CCU WebUI go to "Settings > Control Panel"
- Select "Additional software"
- Now under "Install / update additional software" press "Browse" to upload the plugin (.tar.gz file you downloaded in the first step)
- To upload the plugin press "Install"
- The CCU will let you know when the upload is complete and ask you to install the plugin
- Once you acknowledged the installation, ioBroker will be installed on your CCU.
Depending on your CCU firewall settings, all ports that are not used by WebUI are blocked. As hm-iobroker runs on port 8081, the port has to be whitelisted to be able to access it.
Steps to whitelist the ioBroker Port:
- On your CCU WebUI go to "Settings > Control Panel"
- Select "Configure firewall"
- Under "Port opening" add the port number 8081 - if there is one or more already, don't forget to add a ';' as a separator.
- Select "Ok" to save the firewall changes.
- Now the hm-iobroker port is available for external access and you are ready to go.
As ioBroker is installed on your CCU, you can access it in two different ways:
- On your CCU WebUI go to "Settings > Control Panel" and then select "ioBroker". This will open the ioBroker URL in a new browser tab.
- Enter the URL in your browser as follows:
(e.g. http://homematic-raspi:8081)
Caution: If you have SSL enabled on your CCU, but not yet in ioBroker you might get an error message in your browser. Replace the "https://" with "http://" in the URL to open iobroker.
Log on as root (via ssh) into console and run the following commands: (ignore any "gyp ERR! ..." messages during upgrade) (ignore "npm update check failed" message)
cd /usr/local/addons/hm-iobroker
./iobroker stop
export npm_config_cache=/usr/local/addons/hm-iobroker/npm_io/.npm
export npm_config_userconfig=/usr/local/addons/hm-iobroker/npm_io/.npmrc
./iobroker update
./iobroker upgrade self
./iobroker start
- Backitup adapter cannot install backup.
- It may be possible that zigbee adapter can not be updated.
- ping adapter may not work.
- Any adapter which needs something compiled (e.g. hardware specific drivers) may not be possible to install.
ioBroker runs on node.js. hm-iobroker shipps with the Homematic adapters already installed and setup to connect to your CCU. Right after the installation hm-iobroker requires ~500MB RAM. RaspberryMatic requires ~400 MB RAM.
If you install hm-iobroker on your RaspberryMatic on a Raspi with just 1GB RAM, you might take a look at the available RAM to avoid performance issues.
To reduce RAM usage of ioBroker, you can (temporarily) shutdown instances of the ioBroker adapters you don't need (e.g. info, zigbee)