Welcome to the repo of Discord's most impractical bot.
This bot will automagically react to every message it sees with a blue-pill emoji! The impracticality is off the charts!
With this bot, you will immediately kick it because of how useless and annoying it is!
Thats right, its a 100% guarantee that NOBODY WILL LIKE THIS BOT!
If you don't want to set this up, invite this bot to your server!
As long as you give the bot permissions to add reactions, you should be good to go.
git clone /~https://github.com/jvyden420/bluepillbot/
npm install
echo "TOKEN GOES HERE" >> token.txt
aaand thats pretty much it
If you want it to react with a different emoji, you can change that in the main.js file at the top.
ill probably make a config file soon
Bluepill bot is licensed under the WTFPL license. See it here.