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Kubernetes in a box - Three nodes deployment + Scaling

Deploy kubernetes on the fly, the project creates a master node and two minions nodes, it uses Vagrant with KVM as infrastecture provider (IaaS) and Ansible as configuration manager to automatically have a ready and functional kubernetes cluster in less than 15 minutes.

As an extra the entire kubernetes cluster can be scalable if wished, the project has a k8s-scale project to add a new minion to the existing cluster.

1. Pre-requisites

  • Localhost machine with Linux distribution
  • KVM
  • Vagrant 1.8.1 or higher
  • Vagrant libvirt plugin for KVM
  • Ansible 2.2.1 or higher

2. Prepare your localhost environment

The first thing is check that you localhost support virtualization, just type egrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo if the result is 0, your localhost does not support it, in other case > 0, means you locahost support virtualization, but also must be ensured it is enable in the BIOS. Once it is assured procced to install kvm (

Next to complete the environment and reproduce the kubernetes cluster, with the use of Vagrant just install it ( on your localhost and must be installed Ansible also (

In the other hand to use kvm to setup kubernetes cluster nodes, must be installed the vagrant libvirt provider, it is a plugin for vagrant to use with libvirt API to manage kvm as infraestructure provider. (/~

Finally we need a Public RSA Key to inject in the Kubernetes Cluster nodes, therefore if you have already one fine, it is going to be used later, otherwise proceed to Generate SSH Keys in your localhost (

3. Setup your kubernetes cluster

  • In the localhost just clone the repository
    git clone /~

  • Go inside the folder k8s-cluster
    cd k8s-cluster

  • Set your Publis RSA Key in the script scripts/, generally it is located in ~/.ssh/

  • Start up the Kubernetes Cluster
    vagrant up --provider libvirt

That's all ...

4. Check your Kubernetes Cluster

Now check the entire cluster with the next tips

  • Go to minion-1 node and check nodes
    vagrant ssh minion-1
    kubectl -s get nodes it must show the two minions nodes ready and working

  • Go to minion-2 node and check nodes
    vagrant ssh minion-2
    kubectl config set-cluster test-cluster --server=
    kubectl config set-context test-cluster --cluster=test-cluster
    kubectl config use-context test-cluster
    kubectl get nodes it must show the two minions nodes ready and working

  • Go to master node and check nodes
    vagrant ssh master
    kubectl cluster-info

The above command must be show someting similar to:

Kubernetes master is running at http://localhost:8080
KubeDNS is running at http://localhost:8080/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/kube-dns

5. Scale the existing Kubernetes Cluster

Follow the next steps to scale up your entire cluster

  • Go inside the folder k8s-scale
    cd k8s-cluster/k8s-scale/

  • Start up the new Minion node to add in the Kubernetes Cluster
    vagrant up --provider libvirt

  • Go to master node and check minion nodes (Must be appears three nodes)
    vagrant ssh master
    kubectl get nodes

  • Deploy a new pod inside the new minion node
    Replace file in /tmp/avg-api-rc.yml in line 6 **replicas: 2** key by **replicas: 3**
    kubectl replace rc --filename=/tmp/avg-api-rc.yml

  • Check the new pod deployed in the new minion node (Must be appears three avg-api-controller-*, one of these deployed in the new minion node)
    kubectl get pods

That's all, cluster has been scaled up !!!


Thanks also to my partners @Noel_illo (Noel Ruiz Lopez) and @M4nu_sL (Manuel Sanchez Lopez) for your great job :)


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