-c <count> limit the number of times the command is run
-n <seconds> override sleep in between commands (defaults to 1 second)
-r clear the screen before each command run
-q hide timestamps
$ retry foo # Retry foo every second until it succeeds
$ repeat foo # Repeat foo every second until it fails
$ retry -n 2.5 foo # Wait 2.5 seconds in between retries
$ retry -c 10 -n 0 foo # Run foo 10 times as fast as possible
brew tap justincampbell/formulae
brew install rr
wget -O rr-latest.tar.gz /~https://github.com/justincampbell/rr/archive/latest.tar.gz rr
tar -zxvf rr-latest.tar.gz
cd rr-latest/
make install