This repository is a fork of the dotnet/runtime, created solely to build the Book of the Runtime using MkDocs and host it on GitHub Pages.
The site provides easy-to-navigate interface with dark and light themes and interactive search functionality.
It is available at
This repo has two main branches:
- contains built docs together with required scripts and files
- created as orphan branch disconnected from all the other branches and commits
- set as default branch in this repo
- used as documentation source for build
- kept in sync with upstream main branch
Dockerfile - defines docker image used for mkdocs build
(ensures virtually the same environment regardless of machine used for build) - does the docs build and all heavy lifting - checks for docs updates in upstream repo
commit.txt - tracks last commit used for docs build
mkdocs.yml - mkdocs configuration
Treeles clone and sparse checkout are used because we only want
(root) files.
Otherwise hundreds MB of data would be downloaded and checked out onmain
git clone --branch docs --filter=tree:0 /~
cd runtime
git sparse-checkout set docs
git remote add upstream /~
git fetch upstream main
git checkout main
git rebase upstream/main
git push
There are many options. Here nginx is used running in docker.
docker run -d --restart always -p 9903:80 -v ./docs:/usr/share/nginx/html --name botr nginx
Browse http://localhost:9903
docker build -t mkdocs-botr .
Material for MkDocs
MkDocs Awesome Pages Plugin