There are some Model NetWorks of 3D ImageSegment and 2D ImageSegment
There are Unet and Vnet Family all has 2d and 3d version.
There are some loss functions of 3D ImageSegment and 2D ImageSegment
i have reimplemented the image segmentation loss functions with pytorch1.10.0
there are binary_crossentropy,dice_loss,focal_loss_sigmod etc all has 2d and 3d version.
there are categorical loss functions of crossentropy,dice_loss,focal_loss etc all has 2d and 3d version.
MS-SSIM loss and SSIM loss for calculating image similarity.
centerline dice loss for vessel segmentation
there are 9 type of segment metric,including dice,surface disatance,jaccard,VOE,RVD,FNR,FPR,ASSD,RMSD,MSD,etc. is the demo example of the Flask Deep Learning Segmentation Model Service Deployment.
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