pvCam camera control is an user interface to control Photometrics scientifics camera
This software is not associated with Photometrics . Use it at your own risk.
it use PyVCAM library from : /~https://github.com/Photometrics/PyVCAM
It can make plot profile and data measurements analysis by using : /~https://github.com/julienGautier77/visu
on win 11 64 bits (AMD64) with python 3.9.7 MSC v.1916 with 64 bits anaconda installation on a retiga 600 camera
- python 3.x
- Numpy
- PyQt6
- visu
Install PVCAM and PVCAM SDK from : https://www.photometrics.com/support/software-and-drivers#software To install PyVCAM :
Install vs_buildtools https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/fr/downloads/
Install window app sdk https://developer.microsoft.com/fr-fr/windows/downloads/windows-sdk/
Donwload PyVcam from : /~https://github.com/Photometrics/PyVCAM
Navigate into the directory that contains setup.py and do python setup.py install
For firewire camera Thesycon driver must be intalled see https://www.photometrics.com/support/software-and-drivers
Install visu :
pip install git+/~https://github.com/julienGautier77/visu
appli = QApplication(sys.argv)
e = PVCAM()