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My VIM configuration

I have worked daily with vim since childhood, and this is my actual vim configuration.


Gitgutter + Linting + Inline warnings and errors


Buffer Explorer:




Tagbar and Nerdtree:


Radeon and Control+P:



Before you go, make sure you make a backup of your current vim configuration, go to your home folder and rename both .vim folder and .vimrc file to a different name:

cd ~ && mv .vimrc .vimrc.backup && mv .vim .vim.backup

Let's install:

  1. Go to your home folder, clone this repository, and rename it to .vim:

    cd ~ && git clone /~ && mv vim .vim

  2. Link .vimrc into your home folder:

    ln -s .vim/.vimrc

  3. Install dependencies (it will request your sudo password):


  4. Let's install all plugins:

    cd ~/.vim/bundle/ && ./

  5. You are ready to go


There are plenty of shortcuts but, these are the basic ones:

Shortcut Description Provided by
* Search forward word under the cursor vim
n Search next word using the same criteria vim
Shift+n Search the previous word using the same criteria vim
# Search backward word under the cursor vim
K Search for the word inside man vim
gd Go to the first definition of the element under the cursor vim
F2 Start writing and, ultisnips will fill the basic skeleton (check examples) ultisnips
F3 Tagbar panel (on/off) tagbar
F4 NERD Tree (on/off) nerdtree
F8 Save the current session on the current folder vim
Ctrl+J Beautify the buffer using JSON format vim
Alt+up Show all buffers BufferExplorer
Alt+down Close current buffer vim
Alt+left Move to previous buffer vim
Alt+right Move to next buffer vim
Ctrl+up Move current line/block up vim
Ctrl+down Move current line/block down vim
Ctrl+right Indent current line/block one level vim
Ctrl+left Unindent current line/block one level vim
Ctrl+P colors Search for files with the word "colors" in all the project ctrlp
Enter Go to function definition ctags
Backspace Go back from function definition ctags
:TagsGenerate! Will generate one or more tags files vim-tags
:7,17Commentary Comment/Uncomment from line 7 to line 17 both included Commentary
:Ack colors Search everywhere in the project for the word "colors" Ack



if condition:


if condition:


elif condition:




for item in iterable:


while condition:


class ClassName(object):
    """doctstring for ClassName"""
    def __init__(self, args):
        super(ClassName, self).__init__()
        self.arg = arg


def function(arg1):
    """TODO: Docstring for function.

    :arg1: TODO
    :returns: TODO


Bundles in use

Bundle Description
Ack Search tool with an enhanced results list
Airline Lean & mean status/tabline for Vim that's light as air
ALE ALE (Asynchronous Lint Engine) is a plugin providing linting (sytax checking and semantic errors)
Arduino Snippets Snippets files for Arduino
Arduino Syntax Syntax file and get syntax highlighting for Arduino functions
Black Uncompromising Python code formatter
Bufexplorer Quickly and easily switches between buffers
CCLS Ccls, which originates from cquery, is a C/C++/Objective-C language server
CCTree Plugin generates a symbol dependency tree (aka call tree, call graph) in real-time
Clang Use of clang to parse and complete C/C++ source files
Commentary Comment stuff out
CtrlP Full path fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, ... finder
DelimitMate This plug-in provides automatic closing of quotes, parentheses, brackets, etc.
Dispatch Leverage the power of Vim's compiler plugins without being bound by synchronicity
Gitgutter Shows a git diff in the sign column
ISort Sort python imports
Javascript Syntax highlighting and improved indentation for JavaScript
LSP Async Language Server Protocol
Markdown Syntax highlighting, matching rules and mappings for the original Markdown and extensions
NerdTree File system explorer
Pathogen Makes it super easy to install plugins and runtime files This is a collection of helper commands to ease the use of PlatformIO Neomake Easily configure neomake to recognize your PlatformIO project's include path
Radon Show the cyclomatic complexity of Python code (we will use a slightly modified version at juanmitaboada/vim-radon)
Repeat Remaps . in a way that plugins can tap into it
Rust Rust file detection, syntax highlighting, formatting, Syntastic integration, and more
Signify Uses the sign column to indicate added, modified and removed lines in a file that is managed by a VCS
Snippets Snippets files for various programming languages
Surround Is all about "surroundings": parentheses, brackets, quotes, XML tags, and more
Tagbar Provides an easy way to browse the tags of the current file and get an overview of its structure
Tags The Ctags generator
Typescript Syntax file and other settings for TypeScript
Ultisnips The ultimate solution for snippets
YouCompleteMe A code-completion engine
Zig File detection and syntax highlighting for the zig programming language


Juanmi Taboada


My vim configuration







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