This project contains code to scrape and parse various sources of MTG data.
Logic flow:
- HTTP-triggered Cloud Function to scrape decklists.
- Uses Pyppeteer as JS-rendered.
- Scraped raw HTML stored in GCS
- Adds single Cloud Task that references the stored GCS file
- Cloud Task triggers AppEngine to parse the HTML
- Parsed decklist CSV stored in GCS bucket
- The GCS storage event triggers another Cloud Function
- Adds a Cloud Task for each individual deck in the list
- Cloud Tasks trigger AppEngine to fetch-parse-write each individual deck
- Uses plain-ol' JSoup as standard HTML
- Raw HTML stored in GCS (at Fetch step)
- Parsed deck CSV stored in GCS bucket
- Some of the above bit clunky - no real reason to use AppEngine at all - but some code already existed, so just reused.
- Currently only handles "containsCard" use case i.e. searching for decks with specific commander card