Tiny sniffer made in C++.Designed for use on Kali Linux and other Debian-based linux distributions.
NetEye allows you to view your network traffic. You can see visited websites, analyze HTTP/HTTPS requests, cookie data, unencrypted UDP/TCP packets,messages and personal/login data. The project is still under development. by JRDP Team
To build NetEye you need to install g++ compiler using this command:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install g++
And some required libraries:
sudo apt install libpcap-dev libboost-all-dev
Then,open terminal on Your desktop and type this command to copy this repository:
git clone /~https://github.com/JRDPCN/NetEye
Now,nawigate to NetEye directory on Your desktop and type this command to compile NetEye:
g++ -o NetEye NetEye.cpp -lpcap -lboost_system -lboost_thread
Then,You should see executable file in this directory,without extension. Run this command to allow this file to run as program:
sudo chmod +x NetEye
Now,You can run NetEye:
sudo ./NetEye -i INTERFACE
As "INTERFACE" use network interface of your device.Run ifconfig command to see available interfaces.