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ioBroker smartgarden adapter for GARDENA smart system

An adapter for GARDENA smart system using official GARDENA smart system API and service.

The adapter allows the development of an application (e.g. with VIS) that can be used in parallel with the official GARDENA app. The adapter and its additional features do not affect any of the basic functions of the GARDENA app and vice versa.

The adapter is not a complete replacement for the GARDENA app, but an addition to integrate the GARDENA devices into a smart home with ioBroker. The most important actions can be carried out with the adapter. It also offers the opportunity to implement your own ideas that are not possible with the GARDENA app.

Supported devices

  • GARDENA smart SILENO robotic lawnmowers
  • GARDENA smart Irrigation Control
  • GARDENA smart Pressure Pump
  • GARDENA smart Water Control
  • GARDENA smart Power Adapter
  • GARDENA smart Sensor

For more information about the devices see at GARDENA German website and here in English.


To use this adapter you need the following things:

  1. an GARDENA smart system account
  2. an GARDENA application key
  3. an GARDENA application secret

To get those things please go to Husqvarna Developer Portal at

Please Sign up or Log in if you already have an account and create a new application to get your application key and application secret.

Currently the site looks like in the following screenshots.




Edit form with your own data. Currently the field Redirect URLs is not used. That's why you can currently enter any value. Press button CREATE


At the next page you get the application key and application secret. You will need those values for your adapter instance configuration. And you have to connect the APIs

  • Authentication API and
  • GARDENA smart system API.

For this press button CONNECT NEW API and select the first API. And repeat for the second API.


  • If you already have a Husqvarna Automower® Connect or a GARDENA smart system account, you can Sign In with that account and continue with Create application to get the application key and application secret.

    And it's almost certain that you have an account. Please use the same account as for the GARDENA app in which your GARDENA devices are registered. Otherwise you will not get access to your devices.

  • Make sure that you've connected the application to the API's

    • Authentication API and
    • GARDENA smart system API.

And of course you need a running ioBroker installation (at least using admin5 UI) and you should own at least one working GARDENA smart device.

Table of Contents


Adapter is available

Setup adapter

  1. Install the adapter

  2. Create an instance of the adapter

  3. Check and complete instance configuration

    If you change any value of those settings please restart your adapter.

    3.1 Edit application key and application secret and/or optional username, password in main instance configuration

    Parameter Description
    Application key Application key (API key), e.g. under Requirements
    either application secret
    or username and password *) **)
    Application secret *) application secret, e.g. under Requirements - only if username and password are empty (new in v2.0.0)*
    not recommended
    username *) **) username for GARDENA smart system - only if application secret is empty
    password *) **) corresponding password - only if username is specified


    • From release v2.0.0 the preferred login procedure is using application key and application secret as the former login procedure with username and password isn't supported by Gardena anymore, but nevertheless it's still working for many users. For this reason it is still available here, but in the event of an error, there is no longer any support for it. So it's recommended to use application key and applicaton secret!

    • Application key, application secret and password are encrypted and stored within the adapter and become just decrypted for authentication with the GARDENA application host.


    • parameter is discontinued and may no longer be available in a future version

    3.2 Verify default values of miscellaneous settings and switch on/off options in instance configuration. For most users the default values will be ok.

    Parameter Description
    forecast use forecast for charging time and mower remaining time; switch forecast charging and mowing time of mower on/off; default: off; (new in v0.5.0)
    cycles number of MOWER history cycles; you can use any number from 3 (minimum), but 10 (default) seems to be a good value; only relevant if the above 'forecast' is on; (new in v0.5.0)
    irrigation check use the check whether irrigation is allowed while mowing; switch on/off; default: off; (new in v0.6.0)
    monitor limit use monitoring for the rate limits of Gardena smart system API; switch on/off; default: off; (new in v1.0.2)

    3.3 Verify default values of systems settings and switch on/off options in instance configuration. Most users will not have to change anything on this tab.

    Parameter Description
    Loglevel Loglevel: 0 = no log entries, 1 = some log entries, 2 = some more log entries, 3 = all log entries; default: 0 - no log entries
    beautify log make state ids shorter in log; switch on/off; default: on; (new in v1.0.5)
    connection retry interval interval for retry to connect to Gardena Webservice in case of an error (in seconds); default: 300, minimum: 60; (new in v1.0.3)
    ping interval Interval for sending Ping's to Gardena Webservice (in seconds); default: 150, minimum: 1, maximum: 300
    auth factor Factor for validity of authentication token; default: 0.999
    Auth-URL Authentication host URL; default:
    Base-URL Webservice Base-URL; default:

Getting support

To get help read this README and the FAQ carefully. If you need further support please join the ioBroker forum thread.

Data points of the adapter

The adapter is designed to monitor and control GARDENA smart system devices. For this there will be one LOCATION and one or many DEVICE's. For each DEVICE there will be

  • one SERVICE_COMMON_<id> and
  • one or more SERVICE_<servicelink_type>_<id>.

Where <servicelink_type> is a type description for the device, for example MOWER or VALVE and <id> is a (encoded) GARDENA device id used by the API. See description for ServiceLink at

Controlling/monitoring for each device is possible via the SERVICE_<servicelink_type> listed in the following table. The SERVICE_COMMON provides general information about the device.

device SERVICE_<servicelink_type>
smart SILENO robotic lawnmower SERVICE_MOWER and SERVICE_COMMON

If you need more information about the data points please have a look at There you'll find a description for every data point; except for those which are marked as data points of the adapter and not of the GARDENA smart system API.

The adapter creates its own data points for various features / options when the feature is selected. These data points are not automatically deleted when the feature is deselected. If you no longer need these data points, they can be deleted manually.

General things to know about data points

The adapter doesn't change any values transmitted by the GARDENA smart system API. The only thing that is done (from version 1.0.0) is to check the type of timestamps and numbers.

check for description
timestamps all timestamps are given in UTC; if a received timestamp is not a valid timestamp, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00Z (Unix time zero) is used instead. So if you see this date/time please report.
numbers if a number is not a valid number, -1 is used instead. So if you see this number please report.

Requests to control a device will succeed as soon as the command was accepted by the smart Gateway. A successful execution of the command on the device itself can be observed by a respective state change. Example: sending a command to start the VALVE service of a smart Water Control will result in the activity_value data point of the service to be changed after the device processed the command.




To control the device use data point

  • activity_control_i: type string

    This data point is generated by the adapter and is not required due to the GARDENA smart system API.

    Change this data point to start the mower.

    • To start for a defined time set the value to the planned duration in seconds (please use multiples of 60; minimum is 60); consider the data type string
    • for automatic operation set string START_DONT_OVERRIDE
    • to cancel the current operation and return to charging station use string PARK_UNTIL_NEXT_TASK
    • to cancel the current operation, return to charging station and ignore schedule use string PARK_UNTIL_FURTHER_NOTICE

    Note: The mower only starts with a fully charged battery.


All other data points are just for monitoring and information.

Special data points:

  • activity_mowing_i

    This data point is generated by the adapter and is not required due to the GARDENA smart system API.

    This data point shows two different states for the mower:

    • true: mowing or
    • false: not mowing.

    This data point can be used for further actions where it is important to know whether the mower is safely on the lawn or not.

    Depending on the value of data point activity_value this data point is set. Please see following table for details.

    activity_value activity_mowing_i
    OK_CHARGING The mower has to be mowing but insufficient charge level keeps it in the charging station. false
    PARKED_TIMER The mower is parked according to timer, will start again at configured time. false
    PARKED_PARK_SELECTED The mower is parked until further notice. false
    PARKED_AUTOTIMER The mower skips mowing because of insufficient grass height. false
    PAUSED The mower is in a waiting state with hatch closed. false
    OK_CUTTING The mower is cutting in AUTO mode (schedule). true
    OK_CUTTING_TIMER_OVERRIDDEN The mower is cutting outside schedule. true
    OK_SEARCHING The mower is searching for the charging station. true
    OK_LEAVING The mower is leaving charging station. true
    NONE No activity is happening, perhaps due to an error. true
    all other values true
  • batteryState_chargingTime_remain_i (under SERVICE_COMMON...) and
    activity_mowingTime_remain_i (under SERVICE_MOWER...)

    Both data points are generated by the adapter and are not required due to the GARDENA smart system API.

    Those data points show an forecast for remaining charging and mowing time in seconds of the mower. They are only created when the function is selected in the instance configuration.

    To forecast a value an history of the last few charging and mowing cycles is saved in two states info.saveMowingHistory and info.saveChargingHistory.

    This feature can be switched on/off in adapter instance configuration along with the number of saved charging and mowing cycles in history.

    To put this function into operation, please make sure that at least one cycle of mowing and charging runs without errors (e.g. not interrupted manually or sensor control). It is better if at least three runs are completed without errors. This function tries to recognize the normal case and initially assumes that the next process is a normal case. If this is faulty, then this faulty run is regarded as a normal case and the runs that then pass through normally as a fault case. If there is an error during the run, please stop the adapter, delete the two data points and start again.

    For more information about general forecasting mechanisms see


    1. Forecast values are only available if at least one complete charging and mowing cycle is saved in history.

    2. The history is saved under info so that if the LOCATION needs to be deleted, e.g. in the event of a future update, it is not lost.

    3. If you disconnect your mower from the GARDENA smart system and reconnect it again the history is lost, because your mower get's a new id within the GARDENA smart system. This means that the adapter cannot recognize the mower as the previous mower - may be it's a second one. In this case it is recommended to delete these two data points and to restart the adapter so that the previous (now old) history sets are not constantly read and written. The adapter then begins to build a new history.

    4. This function should work for more than one mower, but it is not tested (I can't do that, because I've only one mower). If you have more than one mower please test and report errors and of course report if it works as intended. Thanks in advance for that.

  • lastErrorCode_value

    Please pay special attention to data point lastErrorCode_value. A description of possible values can be found at, see "MowerService - lastErrorCode"



To control the device use data point

  • stop_all_valves_i: type string

    This data point is generated by the adapter and is not required due to the GARDENA smart system API.

    Change this data point to stop all valves.

    • To stop all valves immediately use string STOP_UNTIL_NEXT_TASK

    Note: Do not display the value of this data point in your application, as the value is mostly undefined. Furthermore, this data point cannot serve as a trigger for your own actions, because it is just set to value null after the command was triggered.


All other data points are just for monitoring and information.



To control the device use data point

  • duration_value: type string

    Change this data point to start the valve.

    • To start for a defined time set the value to the value in seconds (please use multiples of 60; minimum is 60); consider the data type string.

      Note: There are some limitations for the allowed values. Please report if you see other limitations.

      device limit
      GARDENA smart Irrigation Control 5400 seconds (90 minutes)
      GARDENA smart Pump 36000 (10 hours)
      GARDENA smart Water Control 36000 (10 hours)
    • To cancel the current watering and continue with the schedule use string STOP_UNTIL_NEXT_TASK

    • To skip automatic operation until specified time, the currently active operation might or might not be cancelled (depends on device model) use string PAUSE_<number_of_seconds>, e.g. PAUSE_86400 to pause for 24 hours (please use multiples of 60; minimum is 60)

    • To restore automatic operation if it was paused use string UNPAUSE

  • irrigationWhileMowing_allowed_i and irrigationWhileMowing_mowerDefinition_i

    This data points are generated by the adapter and are not required due to the GARDENA smart system API.

    Those data points give control over the feature Irrigation not allowed while mowing. They are only created when the function is selected in the instance configuration. For description of this feature see chapter Irrigation not allowed while mowing.


All other data points are just for monitoring and information.

Special data point:

  • duration_leftover_i

    This data point is generated by the adapter and is not required due to the GARDENA smart system API.

    The value describes the number of minutes till the valve is closed and watering stops.

    • An integer, one (1) or more.
    • null if undefined



To control the device use data point

  • duration_value: type string

    Change this data point to start the power socket.

    • To start for a defined time set the value to the value in seconds (please use multiples of 60; minimum is 60); consider the data type string
    • To switch on the device forever please use the string START_OVERRIDE.
    • To stop the device use STOP_UNTIL_NEXT_TASK.
    • To skip automatic operation until specified time. The currently active operation will NOT be cancelled. Use string PAUSE_<number_of_seconds>, e.g. PAUSE_86400 to pause for 24 hours (please use multiples of 60; minimum is 60)
    • To restore automatic operation if it was paused use string UNPAUSE


All other data points are just for monitoring and information.

Special data point:

  • duration_leftover_i

    This data point is generated by the adapter and is not required due to the GARDENA smart system API.

    The value describes the number of minutes till the power socket is shut off.

    • An integer, one (1) or more.
    • null if undefined



No control functions available.


All data points are just for monitoring and information.


The SERVICE_COMMON provides general information about the device. Description is integrated into description of other SERVICE_... where necessary.

Rate Limits

There are some limits you shoud be aware of. Please see chapter Rate Limits in README of GARDENA smart system API description.

To help you to see if you hit those rate limits you can switch on monitoring in instance configuration with parameter monitoring Rate Limits.

If you've enabled monitoring state info.RateLimitCounter gets actualized with every request. This state saves a data structure with the number of requests per month, day, hour and for the last 30 and 31 days.

The structure is in JSON and looks like

  "2020": {                          <<< year
    "2020-08": {                     <<< month
      "count": 21,                   <<< number of requests for month
      "2020-08-27": {                <<< day
        "11": {                      <<< hour
          "count": 3                 <<< number of requests for hour
        "12": {                      <<< hour   
          "count": 13                <<< number of requests for hour
        "count": 16                  <<< number of requests for day
      "2020-08-28": {                <<< day
        "14": {                      <<< hour
          "count": 5                 <<< number of requests for hour 
        "count": 5                   <<< number of requests for day
  "last30days": {                     
    "count": 2021                    <<< number of requests in last 30 days
  "last31days": {
    "count": 2098                    <<< number of requests in last 31 days


  • That hour is hour of time in UTC
  • That the actual number of requests may be higher. Especially as long as the respective period is not fully covered by the monitoring.
  • That this structure becomes very large and is never deleted by the adapter. So please delete it manually from time to time or switch off monitoring - at least if you don't have any issues with the rate limits.

Irrigation not allowed while mowing

What's the problem?

If you have both a mower and an irrigation system with pop-up sprinklers, there is a risk that your mower will run into a pop-up sprinkler while the irrigation is running and damage it or cause damage itself.

To prevent this, the irrigation system or better individual valves should be switched off when the mower is mowing.

What is being done?

With this function it is possible to stop irrigation when the mower is on the lawn. This can be defined separately for each valve.

One or more mowers can be defined for each valve, for which the valve is not allowed to be open while the mower is mowing. Basically, the mower has priority over irrigation, i.e. if the conflict arises that the mower is mowing and a valve is open, the valve is closed and a corresponding warning is set.

Additionally it is possible to define that a valve should never open regardless of a mower. E.g. can be used if a valve or the pipe behind it is damaged.

The whole check can be switched on or off in instance configuration with parameter irrigation check.

There are three data points available for each SERVICE_VALVE. They are used for configuration and for reporting warnings.

data point writeable Description of data points
irrigationWhileMowing_allowed_i yes set to false if it should be checked if irrigation is allowed while the mower is mowing on the lawn, true otherwise
irrigationWhileMowing_mowerDefinition_i yes one or more id's of SERVICE_MOWER which get checked. Format of mower id see below. There is a special code IRRIGATION_FORBIDDEN meaning that the valve is always closed regardless of a mower. If more than one id should be set then separate them by semicolon (;).
irrigationWhileMowing_warningCode_i no warning code is set if valve opens. Possible warning codes see next table. If more than one warning is set, codes are concatenated with + (e.g. STOPPED+UNKNOWN_MOWER).
  • mower id format


    You can copy this mower id from the objects tab of ioBroker, see red arrow in the following picture.

    mower id

  • warning codes

    warning code description
    NO_WARNING no warning, valve opened
    UNKNOWN_MOWER wrong mower id in irrigationWhileMowing_mowerDefinition_i
    STOPPED valve automatically closed because mower is mowing
    FORBIDDEN valve closed because special code IRRIGATION_FORBIDDEN is set in data point irrigationWhileMowing_mowerDefinition_i

This function is runnig every time when

  • a valve becomes opened or
  • a mower starts mowing

It doesn't run when you change the values in the data points listed above. That means: if there is a conflict situation and you change irrigationWhileMowing_allowed_i from true to false, the conflict is not recognized and the conflict will continue. The same behaviour applies to a change of irrigationWhileMowing_mowerDefinition_i.

Basic behaviour -- WARNING

This feature cannot prevent a valve from opening while the mower is mowing. E.g. this can be done manually through the GARDENA app or automatically through a schedule.

This function can only close the valve as quickly as possible in the event of a conflict. And a conflict may not be recognized either. So it can happen that water is let through. E.g. it cannot be prevented that the pop-up sprinklers extend and that the mower hits the pop-up sprinklers, but the likelihood that this will happen has been minimized. So it is up to your application to make sure that this conflict will never happen.

Wishes for data points

This adapter reports every value as a data point that is supplied via the GARDENA smart system API. If someone wants more values, please contact GARDENA and inform them that this value will also be included in the API. To do this, please go to Contact us & Leave feedback in the footer on the GARDENA Developer Portal.


This is a private project. I am not in any association with GARDENA or Husqvarna.



  • (jpgorganizer) 2024-May-25
    • fixed warning smartgarden has an invalid jsonConfig, e.g. Issue 72
    • fixed Issue 64 Connection == true when adapter is stopped
    • Fix comparison with NaN in api.js, e.g. Pull request 67
    • some further minor changes


  • (jpgorganizer) 2022-Jun-13
    • support for new login procedure to Gardena webservice: using Application secret and Application key instead of username and password. Issue 47

      Procedure with username and password is still available, as it's still working for some users.

      TODO for all existing users: please re-enter your login data, even if you will still use username and password!

    • support for admin4 UI removed; at least admin5 is needed!

    • new configuration page

    • function and configuration parameter pre-define states removed. All Gardena data points get deleted and created again.

    • documentation has been adjusted


  • (jpgorganizer) 2022-May-04
    • some minor changes in documentation, including Issue 41 and new limit for SERVICE_VALVE (just smart Irrigation Control)
    • bug fix in error handling
    • changes due to new Gardena API v1.1.0
    • necessary changes due to changed behavior Gardena Service Issue 43
    • tests against js-controller 4.x, Issue 40


  • (jpgorganizer) 2021-May-13
    • necessary adjustments due to js-controller v3.3; e.g. Issue 29
      • nearly all data points get deleted and created again with intended role/unit
      • data types for following data points changed from string to number:
        • for all devices: rfLinkLevel_value
        • for mower: batteryLevel_value, operatingHours_value
        • for sensor: batteryLevel_value, soilHumidity_value, soilTemperature_value, lightIntensity_value, ambientTemperature_value
    • compatibility test with node.js v14 and node.js v16 and added to Travis CI test; compatibility test with the upcoming Admin 5 React UI; e.g. Issue 30
    • new parameter beautify log in instance configuration; makes state ids a little bit shorter in log if switched on


  • (jpgorganizer) 2021-Feb-22
    • necessary adjustments due to js-controller v3.2
    • option useTestVariable in adapter/instance configuration removed


  • (jpgorganizer) 2021-Jan-26
    • improved error handling
    • new parameter connection retry interval
    • axios vulnerability solved, using version >=0.21.1


  • (jpgorganizer) 2020-Aug-30


  • (jpgorganizer) 2020-Aug-17
    • better reconnection to GARDENA smart system server in case of your internet connection was broken
    • textual changes in io-package.json
    • improved README and FAQ


  • (jpgorganizer) 2020-Jun-13
    • code rework, no functional change expected
    • support PAUSE for SERVICE_VALVE, SERVICE_POWER_SOCKET. e.g. Issue 14
    • internal representation for all timestamps changed from format like 2020-05-26T05:03:47.613+0000 to 2020-05-26T05:03:47.613Z to support Safari browser e.g. Issue 12.
    • support forecast values for mower id's in format with suffix, e.g. d8a1faef-2ee3-421d-a3f8-f8ed577c2ad3:suffix, e.g. Issue 12
    • making the adapter more fault tolerant at startup, e.g. trimming whitespaces from username, etc.
    • README: new chapter Getting support,
    • README: chapter Known Errors deleted, should be resolved by GARDENA
    • README: links to GARDENA/Husqvarna developer portal adjusted to the new address


  • (jpgorganizer) 2020-May-03


  • (jpgorganizer) 2020-Apr-26
    • some corrections (sensor, typo)
    • integration of travis-ci


  • (jpgorganizer) 2020-Apr-25
    • MOWER: forecast for remaining charging time and remaining mowing time integrated, e.g. Issue 1

    • IMPORTANT CHANGE for existing users: the id for LOCATION, all DEVICE's and all SERVICE's has changed due to support of History adapter. (History adapter cannot handle id's with % (percent) character within id's, although the % is not forbidden in id's in ioBroker), e.g. Issue 8.

      So you must delete all states of the adapter instance to install this release and please check your application carefully for necessary adjustments regarding the change of the id names.

    • devices Water Control and Smart Pump tested (many thanks to user gammler2003 and xengosam at ioBroker Forum for testing)

    • some code rework and improvement of documentation

    • dependency corrected, important for js-controller v3, e.g. Issue 7

    • adapter now available at npm


  • (jpgorganizer) 2020-Apr-01
    • error missing SENSOR data fixed (many thanks to user dslraser and muckel at ioBroker Forum for testing)


  • (jpgorganizer) 2020-Mar-31
    • Dependency get's resolved now


  • (jpgorganizer) 2020-Mar-31
    • NOTE: with this version an additional dependency is necessary at runtime. If it does not get installed together with the installation of this adapter, please install seperately with npm install /~ or npm i @jpgorganizer/utils
    • NOTE: you must delete all states of the adapter instance to install this release and please check your application carefully for necessary adjustments regarding type/role changes (see below)
    • data types of (nearly) all data points adjusted for compliance with ioBroker guidance:
      • states now have special ioBroker type and role instead of former string/text where applicable, e.g. number/value.battery for batteryLevel_value, see Issue 3
    • data point activity_value_i replaced by activity_mowing_i with type/role boolean/indicator.working: true means mowing, false means not mowing
    • possibility to pre-define states integrated, see new switch PreDefine States in adapter/instance configuration, see Issue 2
    • states are readonly now; except states for commands, see Issue 4
    • input field for useTestVariable in adapter/instance configuration switched to a checkbox (former: text); please check your settings
    • error in command stop_all_valves_i in VALVE_SET fixed


  • (jpgorganizer) 2020-Mar-25
    • create all states read/write
    • error TypeError: Cannot read property 'val' of null with useTestVariable fixed


  • (jpgorganizer) 2020-Mar-24
    • IMPORTANT : data point for MOWER control (command) changed from
      duration_value to activity_control_i
    • rework leftovertimer
    • improved error handling
    • improved logging (see loglevel in adapter configurations)


  • (jpgorganizer) 2020-Mar-01
    • initial release


Many thanks to GARDENA/Husqvarna for providing this public API and special thanks to your support team for providing very good and very fast support.

smartgarden logo: Designed by Freepik


Copyright (c) 2020 - 2024 jpgorganizer, /~

smartgarden by jpgorganizer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0) Based on a work at /~