A Zapier integration for Microsoft planner.
If this is something you would find helpful you can get access to the app via the invite link https://zapier.com/platform/public-invite/1754/ede4dcddff02f9fec29ac3bc6b3829d8/
To set this up in Office 365 you will need to create an app in Microsoft Entra. This connector is designed to use app-only access. This artical goes over how to setup the app.
The app will need these premission
- Directory.ReadWrite.All
- Group.ReadWrite.All
- Tasks.ReadWrite.All
- User.Read
You will use the AppId, client secret, and the tenant id to setup the connection in Zapier.
Most of the parameters for these actions can take either the ID or the human readable display names
Create a Task
- Group (id, displayName)
- Plan (id, title)
- Bucket (id, name)
- Title
- Assignee (id, email, name)
- StartDate
- DueDate
Update a Task
- Group (id, displayName)
- Plan (id, title)
- Bucket (id, name)
- Task (id, title )
- Task_ETag (This is the etag that is currently on the task. You will need to pull by doing a search on for the tasks)
- Title
- StartDate
- DueDate
- PercentComplete
- Task_Details_Etag (This is the etag that is currently on the task detail. You will need to pull by doing a search on for the tasks)
- Description
Create Bucket
- Group (id, displayName)
- Plan (id, title)
- name
Create Plan
- Group (id, displayName)
- name
Find a Task
- Group (id, displayName)
- Plan (id, title)
- Title
- Description
New Task
New Bucket
New Plan
New Group