ptl: Automatically log time in GitLab issue tracker for COMP23311 at UoM.
# Clone the repo
joss@moff:~$: git clone /~
# Change the working directory to PyRequisite
joss@moff:~$: cd ptl
# Install PyRequisite onto your system
joss@moff:~$: python3 install
Sometimes the last step will require sudo as you might not has write access to /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/
joss@moff:~$ ptl --help
usage: ptl [-h] [-c] [-t TOKEN] [-p PROJECT_ID] [-i ISSUE_ID] [-s]
ptl: Automatically Log Time in issue tracking at UoM.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --config Shows config of current ptl settings
-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
Sets private token for GitLab user
-p PROJECT_ID, --projectid PROJECT_ID
Sets project id for a GitLab repository
-i ISSUE_ID, --issueid ISSUE_ID
Sets issue id for an issue in a GitLab repository
-s, --start Start timing IDE open time.
In order to correctly use the tool you will need to set the TOKEN, PROJECT_ID and ISSUE_ID using:
joss@moff:~$ ptl -t <token> -p <project_id> -i <issue_id>
Then open eclipse and run:
joss@moff:~$ ptl -s
Once eclipse has closed it will then write the time you've spent rounded up to the nearest hour in the selected issue tracker.
In order to gain a personal access token for to set with the -t/--token flag
How I plan to extend the quick project:
- 🍎Provide switch ability to maintain multiple issues.
- 🔒Add safety precautions to make sure you can connect to gitlab.
- 💻Add extra terminal features